臺灣大學: 資訊管理學研究所黃明蕙黃建豪Huang, Chien-HaoChien-HaoHuang2013-03-222018-06-292013-03-222018-06-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251461本研究首先簡要地說明雲端運算的概念,以及目前雲端運算發展之概況,透過現況的描述帶出所要探討的研究問題,接著闡述何謂 IaaS 與 IaaS 的優、缺點,在經過資訊科技採用、採用因素等相關文獻探討之後,確立了以科技、組織、環境三大構面為基礎的研究架構。 本研究主要為探討科技面的「認知效率提升」與「認知成本節省」、組織面的「對現有 IT基礎建設的滿意度」與「組織 IT知識能力」以及環境面的「委外信任度」與「廠商促銷」等因素對組織採用 IaaS 決策之影響,依變數則是採用 IaaS 的意願程度。 透過問卷調查法,本研究以台灣的政府機關正積極規劃建置的「政府雲」(Government Cloud, G-Cloud)做為研究目標,針對政府機關的資訊部門主管進行實證資料的蒐集。研究結果顯示,在研究架構中,科技、組織、環境三大構面,各有一項因素,亦即「認知效率提升」、「組織 IT知識能力」、「廠商促銷」,對於組織 IT決策者採用 IaaS 的意願程度,在統計上呈現顯著的影響。 根據研究結果,我們建議 IaaS 服務供應商應加強對公部門潛在客戶的宣傳及教育,在規劃建議時,可強調 IaaS 所能夠在效率提升、改善機關服務品質上所帶來的好處及各項其他勝過傳統硬體基礎建設的優勢。在市場的開拓上,若能從 IT知識能力較高的機關著手,也會較為容易。此外亦能加強在行銷、促銷活動上的努力,以增加公部門客戶採用 IaaS 的意願。我們也建議未來的研究者,可研究有哪些原因造成了目前公務機關資訊部門主管對於 IaaS 仍裹足不前;另外,也可將更多促成因素(enabling factors)或阻礙因素(hindering factors)以及政府部門獨有之相關組織特色納入研究架構中,或是將研究對象設定為對 IaaS 已有充分認識的資訊部門主管,以獲得對 IaaS 採用影響因素的更全面且更為正確之認識。In the beginning of this thesis, we introduce the basic concept of cloud computing. Then we talk about the main topic of this research, “Infrastructure as a Service”. We mention its background information, its benefits, and its drawbacks. After carefully examining the literatures, we form the research framework based on TOE framework, which has three major dimensions: Technological, Organizational, and Environmental. The variables in our research framework are “Perceived Efficiency Improvement” and “Perceived Cost Reduction” in Technological dimension, “Satisfaction with Existing IT Infrastructure” and “IT Knowledge” in Organizational Dimension, and “Agency Trust” and “Vendors'' Promotion” in Environmental Dimension. The dependent variable of this research is “Intention to Adopt.” We use questionnaires to investigate. The subjects are the IT managers who come from the government agency in Taiwan. The research results show that “Perceived Efficiency Improvement,” “IT Knowledge,” and “Vendors'' Promotion” have significant impact on the “Intention to Adopt” IaaS. According to the research results, we suggest that the IaaS service providers should put a high premium on the education of their customers, put more time and effort into promotion activities to improve customers’ willingness to adopt IaaS. Moreover, it is easier to begin with one of the government agencies that have a perceived higher IT knowledge capability. For future researchers, they can incorporate other enabling factors or hindering factors into their research framework and incorporate more government-specific characteristics into their framework to fit in more with the research context. They also can conduct research on experienced users of IaaS since there may be some inexperienced users being our respondents.505329 bytesapplication/pdfen-US雲端運算基礎架構即服務政府雲資訊科技採用Cloud ComputingInfrastructure as a ServiceGovernment CloudInformation Technology Adoption影響 IaaS 之採用因素–以「政府雲」為例Factors Affecting the Adoption of IaaS – An Example of G-Cloud in Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251461/1/ntu-100-R98725031-1.pdf