2005-04-302024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/660096摘要:由於各級政府機關及社會大眾對環境生態的重視逐漸提升,在兼顧河川生態及人類使用之需求中,如何找到一個平衡區域將生態觀念融入水利工程建設與經營管理之中,成為本世紀水資源管理之重大挑戰。「水文變化指標」為自然河川的水文特性做為水資源管理的重要生態參考指標,由於台灣的水文地文條件的獨特性,因此發展「台灣生態水文指標系統(Taiwan Ecohydrology Index System, TEIS)」以適用於台灣的水文氣候條件,作為多目標水資源管理的重要參考指標,將有其重要性與迫切性。 本研究將以國際合作方式結合台灣與美國在生態、水文及環境系統分析方面有相當研究之學者,共同對大漢溪流域做四個議題之深入探討,包含:台灣魚類個體生態矩陣建立與其應用、台灣生態水文指標系統訂定、生態環境流態需求之推估,以及架構多目標生態水資源管理模式。 由於所需資料與模式發展的複雜性,研究中將借重目前在美國依利諾大學(UIUC)研究團隊關於生態水文之研究成果為參考依據,並擬配合模糊理論及基因演算法等來解決複雜的生態-水文系統,期有助於提升台灣地區水資源多目標的經營與管理。 <br> Abstract: In recent years, water resources planning and management activities have expanded from narrowly focusing on structural solutions to flood defense, and the construction of point source treatment for water quantity improvement. This expansion has led to a more holistic management approach that better addresses watershed scale problems and integrates ecosystem needs in management protocols. A common feature of holistic management is naturalization, which is intended to take advantage of natural processes to meet management goals. Where natural conditions have been modified, naturalization helps return the ecosystem to a more natural state. In water resources management, naturalization has focused on reservoir management, diversion control, and channel structure alteration to produce what is termed the natural flow regime. The natural flow regime can either mimic historical conditions or meet flow quantity and variability targets to support a self-sustaining ecosystem. The natural flow regime integrates ecological, geomorphic, and hydrologic functions in a watershed and provides a flow-based approach to meeting naturalization objectives. This research will develop a regime based approach to managing water resources in Taiwan. The research will provide a multi-objective framework to integrate human and ecosystem needs in the water resources management. Four major tasks are considered in the project: 1) develop the key connections between fish communities and flow through a fish autecology matrix, 2) use information on fish needs and the characteristics of natural flow conditions and variability to develop a Taiwan Ecohydrology Index System (TEIS) to capture the characteristics of natural flow regimes, 3) develop ecological flow regimes based on the TEIS and existing water resources management schemes for these rivers, and 4) develop a multi-objective approach to naturalize management by improved integration of human and ecosystem needs in water resources management and planning. The project assembles a team of scientists and engineers from the United States and Taiwan who are able to address the complex of data needs, modeling requirements, and application of naturalization principles in watershed management. Due to the complexity of data structure and model development, the project bases on the preliminary ecohydrologic concepts which are developed by the University of Illinois research team, and will be considered to apply fuzzy set concepts and genetic algorithms to achieve multi-objective water resources management and planning goal in Taiwan.生態水文於多目標水資源管理研究與應用(2/2)