2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714758The Graduate Institute of Linguistics (GIL) was established in August 1994. The GIL started as a Master's program, but was extended to include a doctoral program since August 2002. From its inception, GIL has been dedicated to education and research in analytical and theoretical aspects of Linguistics, especially Cognitive Linguistics. With diversified research topics and intensive studies on Austronesian languages, the GIL at NTU has earned its reputation in the Cognitive linguistic research of Mandarin and Austronesian languages. ver the last few decades, Linguistics has been considered a part of Cognitive Science. With joint contributions from Linguistics, Psychology, Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy of Mind, and Cognitive Anthropology, Cognitive Science promises to advance our understanding of the human mind. In view of this trend, our future goals include the following: To further develop the Chinese Spoken Corpus and the NTU Corpus of Formosan Languages, as well as an open platform for exploratory and quantitative analyses of corpus data. To continue coursework development in Cognitive Science, including computational linguistics, language and culture, phonetics, discourse and cognition, and neurolinguistics. To improve our graduate students’ proficiency in English by conducting several courses in English. To open our graduate program to international students. To hold conferences and workshops in conjunction with the MOST, the MOE, the Council of Indigenous Peoples and the Linguistics Society of Taiwan to promote linguistic research in Taiwan.臺大語言學研究所碩士班於民國83年8月正式成立,博士班則於91年8月正式成立。本所自成立以來致力於語言學各學術領域的教學與研究,進行多類型研究計劃,並推動南島語言的調查研究,逐漸成為以認知語言學理論研究漢語與南島語言著稱的研究所。 近二十年來語言學的發展逐漸成為認知科學的一支,與心理學、神經科學、人工智慧學、心靈哲學、認知人類學等並稱為研究人類心智的新學門,共同參與研究人類認知的起源與特性,這幾個學門彼此互動與整合程度很高。有鑑於此,本所致力於跨學科之整合,培育語言學之人才,以提升語言學之學術水準,爭取國際性之學術地位,並滿足國內人才之需求,參與國 家現代化之建設工作。 本所擁有現代化的語音實驗室及心理語言實驗室,可供研究韻律、言談分析中的語調與人 際互動時的視覺現象。本所業已建立國內第一個漢語口語語料庫,並進行建置南島語言、兒童 語言、英語學習者、台閩雙語者等語料庫,可強化語言與認知各方面的研究。 本所碩士班以認知功能語法理論研究漢語與南島語言為教學與研究重點,博士班亦延續此 二大領域之教學研究績效,並積極發展與認知科學相關之課程,如語音學,神經語言學,計算語言學,語言、文化與認知等課程。在南島語的研究方面,本所擬透過國際學術交流,拓展南 島比較語言學之新領域。LinguisticsAcademic Institute