2008-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/711680摘要:人類所知覺到的外在世界經常同時伴隨視覺與聽覺的特性,例如看到一個物體掉落 時,也會聽到該物體撞擊地面的聲音。本研究探討視聽整合與注意力的關係,基於過 去在視知覺與注意力方面的研究基礎,擴展到視聽整合的領域,並由空間向度擴展到 時間向度,並藉由聽覺向度的高空間解析度,探討視聽整合與時間感的議題。我們認 為過去研究得到視聽整合不需要注意力的結論,可能源自於經驗由上而下的作用掩蓋 了原先注意力的效果、視聽刺激本身有一定範圍的對應性、以及注意力的操弄不足等 因素。本三年期計畫擬以三個系列的研究,結合行為實驗與大腦造影等技術,嘗試逐 步釐清目前相關研究中的爭議與混淆變項。系列一嚴格排除注意力的介入,探討不注 意情況下的視聽交互作用,系列二進一步檢驗視聽整合、注意力與時間感之間的關係, 系列三則探討注意力在跨感官間的作用。<br> Abstract: We usually perceive visual and auditory stimuli concurrently, such as seeing a falling object accompanied by hearing the dropping sound. The present project aims at investigating the role of attention on visual-auditory integration, and the possible mediating role of time perception. Based on our previous studies on visual spatial perception and attention, we extend it to visual-auditory interaction and to temporal domain. Past studies that found no role of attention on visual-auditory interaction may have confounded the factors of top-down influence, the range of affordance of each modality to the other one, and inadequate manipulation of attention. The purpose of this three-year project is to tease apart possible factors involved, and to use behavioral and brain imaging techniques in three series of studies to examine the relationship between visual-auditory integration, attention, and time perception.視聽整合與注意力