工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 張陸滿謝濟安Hsieh, JeanneJeanneHsieh2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278069高科技廠房興建工程具有量體大、需求資源眾多、工區空間有限、介面複雜、工期緊湊且不斷變更設計等特性,故其施工細節管理及時程掌握一直是關鍵問題。實務上高科技廠房的建廠施工計畫與時程規劃往往在確認工程量體後,依照現場工程師的施工經驗進行時間、資源、空間及動線的分派。這種運作方式沒有一定的理論邏輯依據,受到人為因素影響很大,最重要的是無法高效率地利用有限空間做置料與動線位置安排;而既有的排程軟體或工具(例如Microsoft Project 或 Primavera Project Planner)也只能提供概念性的時程安排,無法清楚呈現每天的實際施工細節,於高科技廠房新建工程之應用有其限制。因此本研究之目的在於利用「資源導向排程」模式,作為有效規劃與管理每日施工之替代選擇方案。本研究透過實地觀察與專家訪談,蒐集資源資料與施工邏輯,進而建立資料庫及資源導向排程模擬模型。模擬模型將空間資訊(施工動線與置料空間)進行量化,以探討空間狀況與施工可行性之關係。本研究以T公司半導體廠下部結構工程為例,藉由案例分析方法驗證模型的功能與特性,確認此模型可以進行擬真模擬,排程規劃結果符合實際施工狀況。由於資源導向排程模擬模型可以便利地調整輸入資源資料以得到不同模擬結果,且可以精確安排有限資源(工班、機具、施工動線及置料空間)得到總工期資訊並呈現分時施工細節,在工程期間可作為不同施工方案決策的依據、工班每日施工指引或工程相關人員即時溝通的平台,是故資源導向排程模式能符合高科技廠房或大量體工程之排程規劃與施工管理需求,具有實務應用之潛力。The characteristics of a high-tech fabrication plant (Fab) construction include large construction quantity, plenty of required resources, limited construction space, complicated interfaces between subcontractors, involuted and compact project duration, and frequent order-changes. Therefore, management of construction details to meet project deadline is an important issue of high-tech Fab construction projects. However, up to date, the high-tech Fab construction schedule and planning still mainly depend on engineers’ experience. Engineers usually allocate the resources of workers, equipment, space for materials and construction route, and generate the project schedule after analyzing the contents of the project. This method is lack of theoretical rationale and may obtain improper outputs, which lead to inefficient use of limited space and construction route. Furthermore, existing tools for lanning and scheduling such as Microsoft Project and Primavera Project Planner (P3) also have limitations when utilized in high-tech Fab construction, because they can only provide conceptual schedule but not daily resource information. Therefore, the overall objective of this research is to establish a resource-based scheduling simulation model to provide an alternative planning and scheduling approach to help construction managers control day-to-day activities more efficiently. The resource-based scheduling simulation model was built up according to the logistics design and the database established based on the on-site observations and the interviews with the experienced engineers. It could be used to provide the instructions for construction operations and the required resources per unit time. It was found that the results obtained by this simulation were consistent with those of the actual case in our example (company T project). In addition, based on the on-site construction logistic and resource utilization status, the information of construction route and temporary storage space were quantified, and the feasibility of different construction situations could be predicted. Because the simulations can be easily performed by inputting new data to demonstrate future progress, the simulated results can serve as the decision-making basis for different construction planning options and the instant communication platform for project managers and individual contractors. Since resource-based scheduling can meet the needs of detail construction planning and management, it has potential to be used in high-tech Fab substructure construction and mega-project construction in practice.2356578 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/3論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)資源導向排程排程施工模擬高科技廠房施工規劃Resource-based schedulingschedulingconstruction simulationhigh-tech fabrication plantconstruction planning資源導向排程模擬-以半導體廠下部結構工程為例Resource-Based Scheduling Simulation -Semiconductor Fab Substructure Construction Casethesis10.6342/NTU201600986http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278069/1/ntu-103-R01521108-1.pdf