2013-04-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/683016摘要:近年來本校研究能量提升,教師與學生發表論文數量激增.為使稿件內圖表更適於呈現研究所得之推論與數據,往往需要製作圖資整合的圖表.本校生農學院各系的研究領域往往與地理圖資相關,因此這樣的圖資製作服務,對於教師與學生皆有實質的迫切需求.然而,若本校生農學院各系教師自行建置圖資整合系統,則可能因為技術隔閡而需個別以較長時間進行開發,不符合人力效益.因此,生農學院/生物產業自動化教學及研究中心提出此項計畫,利用本中心之高效能叢集運算主機群、網際網路、網頁界面、Flash動畫與ASP.NET技術,建置一套Google Map/Google Earth地理圖資整合技術與服務系統,以提供高效率、全自動化的圖資整合服務.本計畫所開發之系統,期能輔助本院教師產生高品質的學術文件圖表,並提升本校研究能量.<br> Abstract: Recently, due to the rapid increase of the research activities in NTU, the amount of scientific publications also increased. In order to present the research results in a more informative way, producing figures that combine geo-information data is one of the majority trends. Most of the professors and students in the college of bioresources and agriculture have such demand all the time. However, because some of them are not familar with computer graphic technology, producing a figure that seamlessly integrated with geo-information data could be a tough task for them. In this project, we will make use of resources of this center, including high-performance cluster computers, flash animations and ASP.NET technology, to build a web-based service. This service allows professors and students to upload their research results in a predefined format, and the figure with geo-information data (e.g. Google Map/Earth) is then automatically generated on the webpage. The service provided by the center will ease the effort of professors and students to prepare their manuscript, and also help pushing the research capability of NTU toward the higher level.圖資整合高效能叢集運算主機群網際網路網頁界面FlashASP.NETGoogle MapGoogle Earthgeo-informationhigh-performance cluster computersweb-based serviceASP.NETGoogle Map/Earth建置生農學院/生物產業自動化教學及研究中心圖資整合技術與服務系統