2013-03-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/655416摘要:本計畫之總目標為建立民眾就醫權益監測模式,並發展有效及可行之監測指標,主要執行工作項目如下:1.整理與分析自民國84年開辦全民健保以來,衛生署與健保局所保存健保民意調查資料。2.根據前述資料評估結果,發展保險對象就醫權益監測之問卷集。3.蒐集美國AHRQ等國外機構對民眾就醫權益之相關文獻,並針對就醫權益監測模式進行國際比較,作為發展本模式之參考。4.規劃並進行調查、監測並分析研究民眾就醫權益及對健保相關意見。5.設定就醫權益監測基礎模式之架構,並發展具體可行之監測指標。計畫將分三年進行,第一年計畫已完成全民健康保險民意調查及五項總額民眾就醫權益監測調查,並彙整歷年衛生署與健保局健保相關民意調查資料,與橫向整合跨總額調查結果。第二年計畫已完成101年全民健康保險民意調查,以及五項總額民眾就醫權益監測調查。此外,亦完成全民健康保險民意調查的網路調查。有關國際就醫權益相關調查資料部分,第一年計畫,完成美國CAHPS與NHIS等相關民眾權益調查文獻回顧,第二年計畫則彙整英國與加拿大等同樣實施類似總額預算國家相關民眾就醫權益調查資料,並進行國際比較。在保險對象就醫權益監測模式的部分,依據Andersen所提出的第四階段架構,研擬就醫權益監測架構,並以101年度全民健康保險民意調查結果予以驗證分析,結果顯示滿意度受到保險對象需求、健康狀況顯著影響,代表該架構具有相當程度的效度。本年度(第三年)將繼續發展並修訂保險對象就醫權益監測問卷集及民意調查架構,研擬健保局就醫權益監測基礎架構及發展監測指標。進行本年度民眾就醫權益與滿意度調查,監測、蒐集並分析研究民眾就醫權益及對健保之相關意見,將之併入101年調查彙整檔,檢討其完整性及其使用便利性。配合行政院衛生署102年施政目標,根據調查研究結果提出政策建議,並於年底辦理本計畫之年度成果發表及專家諮詢會議,並針對就醫權益監測模式進行國際比較,對健保局給予整體政策建議。<br> Abstract: The goal of this project is to establish monitoring pattern for the right to receive medical care for the insured, and to develop effective and feasible monitoring indices. Major tasks are as follows:1.Gather and analyze all the poll data files conducted by the Department of Health and The Bureau of Health Insurance since 1995. 2.Develop a collection of questions related to monitoring the right to receive medical care by the insured according to previous step.3.Gather related articles such as those from AHRQ and conduct international comparison.4.Plan and conduct survey, monitor, and analyze relative opinions related to the right to receive medical care.5.Formulate the framework of monitoring infrastructure for the right to receive medical care and develop feasible monitoring indicators.The project will take three years. In the first year, we gathered and analyzed all the poll data files conducted by the Department of Health and The Bureau of Health Insurance since 1995. We also gathered related articles such as those from AHRQ and conduct international comparison. Then we developed a collection of questions to construct a long term survey mechanism. According to the mechanism, we planed and conducted survey, monitoring, and analyzing opinions related to the right to receive medical care. In the second year, we formulated the framework of monitoring infrastructure for the right to receive medical care and developed feasible monitoring indicators. In the third years, we will continue to modify monitoring indicators, conduct survey of the year, and put together research results of different years and to evaluate the feasibility of monitoring indicators. We will also conduct international comparison on the right to receive medical care and give the BNHI overall policy recommendations.全民健康保險就醫權益民意調查滿意度性別分析National Health Insuranceright to receive medical carepollsatisfactiongender analysisA pilot study on monitoring the right to receive medical care for the insured.