工學院: 工程科學及海洋工程學研究所指導教授: 張瑞益林忠毅Lin, Chung-YiChung-YiLin2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271372由於近幾年行動裝置的興盛,行動裝置上網已成為最普遍的上網方式。為了因應這個趨勢,Ethan Marcotte提出了響應式網頁設計(Responsive Web Design) [36]使網站達到使用者友善(user-friendly)的目的,讓各種大小的行動裝置都可以順利閱讀網站內容。其中百分之74的行動裝置使用者更喜歡造訪使用者友善的網站,同時在Google的研究 [31]中亦指出,使用者友善的網站有助於提升搜尋排名及吸引使用者目光,可見其重要性。然而,目前仍有百分之85的網站沒有達到使用者友善的目標,導致搜尋排行不斷下降並且流失更多客戶。這些網站的困境是目前網站重建多採用人工重新設計,非常耗時;若能設計一個系統,自動化選擇適合的網站樣板來做網站重建,將可以大符減少需要重新設計網頁的時間,提升效率。而此系統最關鍵的問題在於,如何挑選出最符合客戶需求的網站樣版?研究[2]指出,網站重建前後的視覺呈現是否相似,對於使用者的專注力及閱讀速度有非常大的影響;因此,為了不影響使用者體驗(User experience),本論文將基於網頁的佈局排版(Layout)跟視覺呈現,從大量的樣版中找到挑選出最相似於原網站的樣板。本論文利用許多真實資料的實驗,驗證了我們方法的效率並且可以準確的從大量樣板中找出相似的結果。一個網站通常會由多個網頁所組成,本論文先專注於研究網頁樣版(Web Page Template)之間的相似度問題,未來可以基於這些研究,進一步去探討網站之間的相似度問題。In recent year, the mobile device has become the most common tool to access the Internet. In response to the flourish of the mobile device, Ethan Marcotte proposed a design guide which is called Responsive Web Design (RWD) [36] to make the mobile service user-friendly. According to Google statistics, 74 percent of mobile device users prefer user-friendly websites due to its readability on mobile devices. Google Search Guide [31] also reported that a user-friendly website can improve its search ranking and attract users. However, 85 percent of the websites are still user-unfriendly, such that these websites obtain the lower and lower search ranking. The major dilemma is that website rebuilding is usually constructed manually, which is time-consuming and inefficient. If a system can automatically select an appropriate website template, it will significantly improve the efficiency of website rebuilding. The critical problem of this system is how to select an appropriate template which has more features that its customer needs. The study [2] indicates that drastic changes of visual appearance of Web pages have a negative influence on readers. In order not to affect user-experience, this thesis proposes a system that will efficiently sort out the templates which are similar with respect to their layout features and visual appearance. Our experimental results indicate the effectiveness of our approach and show that our approach can find the similar templates precisely. In this thesis, we focus on discussing issues related to the similarity of the Web pages. Since a website consists of multiple Web pages, the proposed method can be extended to measure the similarities between “Websites”.3827524 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)文件物件模型樹網頁相似度樹編輯距離網頁分割網頁佈局的視覺資訊DOM (Document Object Model) treeWeb page similaritytree edit distanceWeb page segmentationvisual information of web page layout基於版型特徵跟內容結構的網頁相似度研究Study on Web Page Similarity Based on Layout Feature and Content Structurethesis10.6342/NTU201601939http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271372/1/ntu-105-R03525086-1.pdf