2013-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/700719摘要:本子計畫探討微型複眼鏡頭陣&#63900;的減震設計。複眼鏡頭陣&#63900;,係模仿昆蟲的複眼功能,以瞬間辨別影像的變化。昆蟲複眼的解析&#64001;一般較人&#63952;低,然而其取樣頻&#63841;卻高出人&#63952;十倍。目前&#63849;位照相技術已經可以輕&#63968;達到高解析&#64001;的功能,如果再搭配複眼鏡頭陣&#63900;技術,則可大幅提昇影像辨&#63996;能&#63882;,並有助於相關高科技產業的發展。複眼鏡頭陣&#63900;可以達到高解析&#64001;、高取樣頻&#63841;的功能,然此同時,系統振動對成像品質的影響亦將增加。故而本子計畫的目標,是應用先進伺服控制技術發展&#64029;密移動平台,以達到奈米精度定位。本計畫擬發展的&#64029;密平台,一則支援子計畫二採用的雙光子聚合微製造平台,以提升其&#64029;密&#64001;,製作符合總計畫需要的鏡頭;二則應用於複眼陣列平台,以改善複眼光學平台的振動,提昇其成像品質。因系統體積限制及&#64029;密&#64001;要求,本計畫將使用壓電材&#63934;發展專用之硬體防震技術,包括創新的機構設計、振動偵測、訊號處&#63972;、與控制技術,提升複眼光學成像品質;壓電材&#63934;具有反應快、高&#64029;&#64001;、出&#63882;大等優點,然而其複雜的非線性動態特性(&#63925;如遲滯效應)卻可能影響系統性能,因此必須克服其非線性效應,以提昇系統的&#64029;密定位性能。首先,我們將發展小行程三維奈米定位平台,透過強韌控制技術,將遲滯效應等非線性因素視為系統&#63847;確定性,並設計適當的H∞ 強韌控制器,以提昇系統穩定及性能。其次,我們將整合小行程奈米定位平台及大行程微米平台,完成大行程、奈米精密定位控制,以支援子計畫二的雙光子聚合微製造平台控制需求。同時,考慮複眼光學系統的特性,各鏡組間可能有多軸旋轉及線性定位控制需求,因而我們將進一步發展互補三維平台,以完成三維空間全自由度控制。最後,則將控制器安裝於雙光子聚合微製造平台系統及微型複眼鏡頭陣&#63900;平台,驗證其效果。<br> Abstract: This project focuses on the vibration control of the Micro-lens arrays (MLAs) that can imitate the functions of ommateum. Using the present digital photographing techniques, the proposed MLAs can achieve high resolution and sampling rates. However, as the resolution and sampling rates increase, the impacts of vibrations on the imaging properties also become significant. Therefore, this project proposes a nano-positioning stage to improve the imaging properties of the MLAs. We will apply piezoelectric transducer (PZT) to achieve precision positioning for its advantageous properties, such as high resolution, high accuracy, and large driving force. Nevertheless, the non-linear characteristics of piezoelectric materials, such as hysteresis, might degrade the system performance. For this reason, in this project, we will apply robust control strategies to identify PZT actuators as linear models and to regard the non-linear effects as system uncertainties and disturbances. Because robust control can guarantee stability and performance for systems that have uncertainties and disturbances, we then apply loop-shaping techniques to design H∞ robust controllers for the PZT stage. The project will be carried out in four stages. First, we will develop a three-dimensional PZT stage to achieve nano-positioning control. Second, we will apply the developed nano-stage to the two-photon polymerization (TPP) micro-manufacturing system for manufacturing lens for the MLAs system. Because the TPP system requirements, we must integrate the nano-stage with a micro-stage to achieve long-range, nano-precision control to improve the imaging properties. Third, we will apply the nanao-stage to the MLAs system. Considering the rotational displacements of the lens array, we must assemble the nano-stage with a complementary three degree-of-freedom (DOF) stage to accomplish the full DOF control for the MLAs system. Lastly, the designed stages will be integrated with the MLAs systems for experimental verification.微型複眼鏡頭陣&#63900壓電平台強韌控制精密定位Micro-lens arraysPZT stagerobust controlprecision positioning微型複眼陣列鏡頭製作及其成像之應用-子計畫四:微型複眼陣列系統之減震設計及控制