張重昭臺灣大學:商學研究所碩士在職專班商學組王榆樑Wang, Yu-LiangYu-LiangWang2007-12-032018-06-292007-12-032018-06-292007http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/63859隱形眼鏡商品的發展在台灣也近二十餘年,從早期的硬式隱形眼鏡、發展到長戴型的隱形眼鏡、到這幾年在市場廣為流行的月拋、雙週拋一直到日拋型的隱形眼鏡,其發展速度之快,實乃一般消費品產業所罕見。而近期又有廠商推出所謂的特殊功能隱形眼鏡;如散光拋棄式隱形眼鏡、老花拋棄式隱形眼鏡等等,但礙於國內醫療法規的限制,均不能在大眾媒體上作廣告行銷,而使得產品之知名度不足,所以在商品的推廣及銷售上都不甚理想。 而隱形眼鏡產品的銷售仍侷限於一般傳統的眼鏡行(或稱眼鏡公司),需要由銷售員(店員或驗光師)扮演商品與消費者之間的中介角色;其銷售模式並不同於一般之消費品是在所謂的開架式的通路銷售,消費者可以直接接觸商品並做比較,而不會受到其他人的左右與影響其購買決策。更甚者,由於隱形眼鏡帶給店家的利潤比起傳統之鏡框、鏡片是非常的低(約只有二十分之一),所以眼鏡行之銷售人員並不會主動推薦此一類型產品,故廠商在行銷此類商品上又遇到這無形的阻力。 一般消費品的行銷手法最快速的莫非於大眾媒體上作廣告,以快速打響產品的知名度並產生強大的消費者購買力(所謂Pull的力量),而在這種限制廣告的商品且銷售模式需經由中間的第三者的方式,其行銷策略大異其趣,深深值得一個行銷人去深入探討。 本研究係根據研究生在國內消費品產業十多年的工作經驗再加上在此行業之深入研究所提出之行銷策略方向,除了可提供限制廣告商品之推廣方式外,亦可驗證一般行銷手法(Push & Pull)在此通路之有效性,此研究結果也可提供其他相類似之產業(如醫療用品、煙酒產品)做為行銷策略擬定之參考。Contact lenses products has been developing more than 20 years here in Taiwan, from RGP product in the very beginning to monthly, bi-weekly till one day contact lenses. The development of this industry is much faster than fast moving consumer goods (FMCG). Recently, some manufacturers developed so-call specialty lenses, eg. Toric lenses, Multi-Focal lenses….etc. However, due to the local regulation constrain, those products are prohibited to do mass media advertising, so the sales and brand awareness of those products are not in good shape. The selling activities of contact lenses are limited in traditional optical trade, the business model need a middleman between the products and consumers to facilitate the selling which is different from traditional FMCG products in open shelf environment. Furthermore, the profit contribution of contact lenses to optical trade is much lower than traditional frames and glasses (around 5%), so the sales people (practitioner or fitter) are reluctant to push those products to consumers. This could be kind of invisible barrier to contact lenses manufacturers. The most efficient vehicle to market FMCG products is to do mass media advertising, that helps quickly build up brand awareness and generate strong consumers “Pull”. As a marketer, it worth to take a study to know how to market a product in this kind of advertising-banned industry. Experienced in FMCG industry for more than 10 years and have sound understanding in this contact lenses business, the researcher suggests some practical marketing strategies to build up the business. The study could provide some solutions for advertising-banned products; it also could evaluate the effectiveness of some Push & Pull strategies that are often used in FMCG industry. In addition, the study also can be a reference to other advertising-banned category like medical devices or liquor and tobacco.誌 謝 i 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 iii 目 錄 v 圖 目 錄 vii 表 目 錄 viii 第一章 緒 論 1 第一節、研究背景 1 第二節、研究動機 2 第三節、研究目的 4 第二章、隱形眼鏡商品之產業探討 5 第一節、國內眼鏡通路之概況 5 第二節、隱形眼鏡商品之介紹 9 第三節、國內隱形眼鏡商品產業發展現況 12 第四節、國內隱形眼鏡商品發展所面臨之問題 23 第三章、行銷一般商品的主要成功關鍵因素 26 第一節、商品的銷售話術 (Sales Talk) 26 第二節、媒體面之行銷策略 28 第三節、通路面的行銷策略 31 第四節、消費者端的促銷活動 35 第五節、其他行銷活動 38 第四章、隱形眼鏡商品的行銷策略探討 40 第一節、行銷隱形眼鏡商品的限制與機會 40 第二節、媒體面之行銷策略 41 第三節、通路面的行銷策略 43 第四節、消費者促銷活動 46 第五節、其他行銷策略 48 第五章、結論與建議 50 第一節、結論 50 第二節、建議 51 參考文獻 54393769 bytesapplication/pdfen-US開架式通路PushPullopen shelf environment限制廣告之商品的行銷策略探討:以博士倫隱形眼鏡商品為例Marketing Strategies for Advertising-Banned Products: A Case Study on Bausch & Lomb Contact Lensesotherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/63859/1/ntu-96-P93748010-1.pdf