2010-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/685207摘要:本計畫在於經由「國際地理學會IGU 島嶼研究學術委員會」計畫辦公室之設立,積極且持續推動島嶼研究,以推動台灣島嶼地理環境及區域發展相關研究之學術全球化,以提昇國際影響力。本研究之主要工作,包括設立「國際地理學會島嶼研究學術委員會」計畫辦公室(Commission office)、持續擔任International Geographic Union (IGU) Commission on Islands 主席、執行委員、擔任 Island Studies Journal 等期刊編輯委員;並爭取或籌備主辦國際專業學術旗艦型會議,建立相關學術社群的影響力,包括爭取舉辦各年度「國際地理學會島嶼研究學術委員會」國際會議、參與主辦「國際地理學聯合會區域會議」等。同時,亦執行各項有助於推動學術貢獻全球化及與國際接軌的計畫,包括: 邀請傑出島嶼學者短期訪問、進行學術合作研究;邀請島嶼研究相關期刊主編短期訪問,進行共同出版;召開國際學術工作坊;出版研究通訊、設置網站、與國際合作出版期刊、主題專刊或專書等學術研究與推動計畫。<br> Abstract: The main mission of this project is to establish a project office for the newly established ‘Commission on Islands” of International Geographical Union to enhance the visibility of Taiwanese research in island studies and to enhance international collaboration with research influences. The project office will emphasize on international networking to promote island studies in geographical sciences among international geographical research communities; to provide a platform in connecting island studies with existing international programs and island networks; to promote the study of island geography in education programs at all levels, especially but not exclusively in island societies; to support and promote the publication of island geographic research; as well as to collaborate with international and regional organizations to enhance dialogue on sustainable development of island societies. The efforts will include encourage scholars to attend island meetings abroad, to invite scholars come to Taiwan for collaborative research, joint publications, and joint academic activities.國際地理學會島嶼島嶼委員會國際合作International Geographical UnionislandsCommission on IslandsInternational Collaboration「補助學者提昇國際影響力試辦方案-推動「國際地理學會(IGU)島嶼研究委員會」學術全球化及提昇國際影響力計畫」第2年