2007-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/672834摘要:本實驗室執行之上一期國科會計劃的成果顯示[1-5],Cu濃度對SnAgCu(或SnCu、SnAg)與Ni之反應有很大的影響,隨著Cu濃度之升高,反應生成之介金屬會由(Ni1-yCuy)3Sn4 變成 (Cu1-xNix)6Sn5。此一重要發現是文獻中第一次被報導,並且對實際工業運用有極深遠之影響。在實際BGA或Flip Chip銲點中,銲料的兩端分別是UBM或表面處理層,亦即銲點事實上是一 metal/solder/metal 三明治結構,而Ni/solder/Cu 是微電子銲點中很常見的一種組合。本研究計畫之主要目的是探討在此類銲點中,由 solder/Cu 界面溶入銲點之Cu 是否會改變銲料組成,進而對Ni/solder界面之反應造成影響? 亦即Ni/solder/Cu 銲點之兩界面之間是否會有交互作用? 事實上本實驗室的初步研究結果顯示[6, 7],在Flip Chip銲點中兩界面之交互作用確實會發生。對此一極為有趣之現象有諸多問題值得我們再深入去探討。例如,此一交互作用需要多少時間才會開始?兩界面間的距離(銲點大小),對此一交互作用的影響(BGA及Flip Chip銲點大小不同<br> Abstract: Thorough the support of our previous National Science Council project, we had found that the Cu concentration in the SnAgCu (or SnCu and SnAg) solders has a very strong effect on the reaction between the solder and the Ni substrate [1-5]. As the Cu concentration increased, the intermetallic compound formed changed from (Ni1-yCuy)3Sn4 to (Cu1-xNix)6Sn5. This result had never been reported before, and had very strong implications for industrial implications. In a solder joint, the solder is always sandwiched between two metals. The Ni/solder/Cu combination is one of the most common ones in microelectronics devices. The objective of this proposal is to investigate whether the Cu dissolved from the solder/Cu interface will have an impact on the reaction at the Ni/solder interface. In other words, we would like to see if the two interfaces in a Ni/solder/Cu joint would interact? In fact, our preliminary results revealed that such interaction would indeed occur [6, 7]. There are many different issues worthy of further investigations. For example, how long will it take for the interaction to occur? What is the distance over which this interaction can occur? What is the effect on the temperature on this interaction? Does the interaction starts in the reflow stage or in the aging stage? Answers to these questions are not only fundamentally important, but also are important for industrial applications. The proposed research is three years in duration. In the first year, we will concentrate on the effect of the solder thickness in Ni/solder/Cu upon the cross-interaction during the reflow stage. In the second year, the cross-interaction during the aging staged will be looked into in details. In the third year, the Ni/Au/solder/Cu will be studied with the emphasis of understanding the role played by a small amount of Au presents in the system. Through the proposed research, we will be able to establish the growth kinetics data and the dissolution kinetics data. We will also be able to understand the true nature of this cross-interaction. The fact that there exists a good amount of literature data on the phase equilibria in the Sn-Ag-Cu-Ni system [8-12] is very fortunate. These data will be very useful for us to decode our observations. Moreover, the literature data on the reactions between solders and Ni [13-21] and solders and Cu [13, 20-36] are also abundant. These kinetics data will be very valuable as they provide the baselines for the comparison under the “no cross-interaction” condition.無鉛銲料球矩陣封裝覆晶封裝交互作用錫銀銅銲料Lead-Free SoldersBall Grid Array PackageFlip-Chip PackageCross-InteractionSnAgCu solders物質跨越微電子銲點進&#64008;交互作用之尖端研究(2/3)