2017-01-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/662259摘要:大學教育是推動國家永續發展,也是提昇國際競爭力之泉源。於此全球化競爭之際,瞭解臺灣的大學在世界的排名及國內的排名,進而得知我國的大學科學研究和世界一流大學的差距,及其在華人四地的地位是相當重要的。世界大學科研論文質量統計的理念,主要是針對新興國家及發展中國家的研究型大學,設計一套多數學校現階段經努力即可達成的適切指標。藉由科研論文評比,在積極面對於國家學術政策的制定、支持方向的選擇及獎勵等方面,具有指導作用,在消極面亦具有提醒與警惕之功效。 基於多年書目計量(Bibliometrics)、科學計量(Scientometrics)的研究及自2007年起,逐年公布世界大學科研論文質量評比的經驗,在未來將持續公布優質的NTU Ranking評鑑。此計畫預期將產出的結果如下: 1. 公布不分領域世界前500名學校之各項指標數據與排名。 2. 公布不分領域世界前500名學校考量全職教師數後之各項指標數據與排名。 3. 公布不分領域世界前500名學校於世界各地之分佈情形。 4. 公布六大領域世界前300名學校之各項指標數據與排名。 5. 公布六大領域世界前300名學校於世界各地之分佈情形。 6. 公布14個學門世界前300名學校之各項指標數據與排名(公布學門數預計視能力所及逐年增加)。 7. 公布14個學門世界前300名於世界各地之分佈情形(公布學門數預計視能力所及逐年增加)。 <br> Abstract: University education has been the propelling force of sustainable national development and the source of increasing international competitiveness. In light of global competition, understanding the performance of Taiwanese universities domestically and internationally would provide an insight from our standpoint into the most prestigious universities of the world and Asian region such as Hong Kong, Singapore and South Korea. The Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities aims at research universities in emerging and developing countries, designing indicators that reflect current progress for most universities. The Performance Ranking could serve as an active guidance in a nation’s academic policy making, support direction and reward mechanism; as well as a caution reminder indirectly. Based on Bibliometrics and Scientometrics research and experiences from the release of the Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World Universities since 2007, the NTU Ranking will continue to release quality results as follows. 1. Overall Ranking of top 500 universities and statistics 2. Overall Ranking of top 500 universities and statistics adjusted to full-time faculty 3. Overall Ranking of top 500 universities and country distribution 4. Six Rankings by Field of top 300 universities and statistics 5. Six Rankings by Field of top 300 universities and country distribution 6. Fourteen Rankings by Subject of top 300 universities and statistics (The number of subjects may increase annually regarding the worldwide performance.) 7. Fourteen Rankings by Subject of top 300 universities and country distribution (The number of subjects may increase annually regarding the worldwide performance.)科研論文質量評比Performance Ranking of Scientific Papers for World UniversitiesNTU Ranking跨領域教學研究設施全面改善【NTU Ranking 計畫】