2016-03-252024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/682655摘要:現階段臺灣針對同一區或是鄰近排洪系統中,因為分區段或權責管轄單位不同,在使用不同水文分析方法下,容易造成排洪系統之內或是之間的銜接差異,進而影響在管理上的立基點與正當性。因此,本計畫綜整與探討現階段各常用水文分析方法的重要問題,檢討現行作法,研提相關策略、技術及法規,並且規劃未來水文一致性發展藍圖。本計畫嘗試以一個「研究與綜整」的定位,試圖更清晰地整理現階段已經遭遇的問題,研提因應策略、技術以及法規,進而描繪未來發展藍圖,做為未來水利署規劃與執行「逕流分擔、出流管制」規範之相關參考。為掌握水文分析方法所面臨的關鍵問題,並且規劃因應策略,因此綜整現階段重要問題,逐項檢討現行常用作法,進而研提因應策略、有待研發的技術以及法規增修建議,並且規劃未來發展藍圖。首先,整理國內外常用水文分析方法,進而發掘出造成差異的原因。再者,依照國內水文環境挑選適合的工具包,並且檢討現行作法,進而研提因應策略與有待研發的技術。接著,嘗試歸納出一致性的水文方法原則步驟,並且將策略應用於實際案例。此外,亦整理配套法規增修建議。最後,則規劃未來水文一致性發展藍圖。<br> Abstract: The issue of integration of different hydrological analyses involves the tools chosen conflict, lots of these issues should degrade to very theoretical and basic level. According to different hydrological analysis, results would generate more or less gaps between nearby areas, even in the same basin system. These situations not only make data incoherent but also hard to set a baseline for the developing regulation “runoff apportion and outflow control”. The conflict comes from various tools of hydrological analysis. In theory, it is more appropriate and reasonable to adapt different approaches in every region based its characters. However, from the government’s point of view, developing a standard, integrated, logical-coherent analysis regulation is necessary to set as a foundation helping management. Therefore, this report, as a position of research and integration one tries to explore the important issues of each stage of the methods commonly applied in hydrological analysis and review the existing approaches and related to mention strategies. The scope of integration of hydrological is really fundamental, although now many strategies and technologies have been established important issues, further develop for most of them still necessary. In the other hand, for the purpose of analysis convergence and consistency, it is taken into account to build universal principal with authorized approval for Taiwan. Therefore, it’s necessary to clarify the appropriate situation for using every approaches and the key points that caused different results by various tool choices, as the reference of regulation basis.水文分析水文一致性排洪系統Hydrological analysisHydrological consistancyDrainage system排洪系統水文分析方法整合之研究