2018-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/706721摘要:在江戶時代儒學中,懷德堂是其中一個值得探究的學派。懷德堂於1724年由大(今大阪)地區商人出資成立,其後獲得幕府承認為官許學問所,為現今大阪大學的前身之一。懷德堂學問的最重要代表人物為第四與第五代學主中井竹山和中井履軒兄弟,他們的學術成就遍及經學、詩學、史學、科學等等。考慮到學界對於懷德堂在《易》學方面的成果仍然較少觸及,故筆者預計以竹山履軒兄弟的《易》學著作為中心,進入懷德堂學問的相關內容。此研究涉及以下問題:一、竹山《易斷》的內容有何重要之處及特色?與履軒《周易逢原》之間有何異同?二、將竹山與履軒的《易》學觀點放回江戶時代《易》學史,與同時代者相比,能夠看出什麼特點?與懷德堂學風如何呼應?三、江戶《易》學作為東亞地區學術發展的一員,具有積極以經典為平台,試圖與中國學術對話之特色,在履軒的《周易逢原》中亦可明顯看出這一點。那麼將觀察範圍擴大至以竹山與履軒為代表的懷德堂《易》學後,又可得見哪些與中國《易》學相對話之處?四、除了經學、思想的角度外,能否顯現其他文化史方面的意義?筆者希望能透過此研究,對上述問題進行探討,延續過往的工作來進一步深化,拓展更多對相關課題的認識。<br> Abstract: This program aims on the Japanese Confucians Nakai Chikusan and Nakai Riken and their works about I-Ching. They were the fourth and the fifth president of Kaitokudo, a private school in Osaka and was established by merchants in 1724. Kaitokudo played an important role in the history of Japanese Confucianism and was the predecessor of Osaka University. Nakai Chikusan and his brother Riken were usually seen as representative figures of Kaitokudo. I want to research Nakai Chikusan and Riken’s works about I-Ching to try to answer these four questions: First, What is the features of Nakai Chikusan’s Ekidan and Riken’s Shuekihougen? Second, through the history of Japanese Confucians’ work about I-Ching, what features can we see from Nakai Chikusan and Riken and Kaitokudo? Third, what is the relationship between Nakai Chikusan and Riken and Chinese Confucians’ work about I-Ching? Fourth, what meaning about the history of cultural exchange can we find out from Nakai Chikusan and Riken’s work?懷德堂中井竹山中井履軒《周易》日本儒學江戶時代東亞KaitokudoNakai ChikusanNakai RikenI-ChingJapanese ConfucianismEdo PeriodEast Asia懷德堂《易》學研究─以中井竹山、履軒兄弟為中心