臺灣大學: 建築與城鄉研究所林建元何翊誠Ho, Yi-ChengYi-ChengHo2013-03-212018-06-292013-03-212018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/249292由於人類對能源的消耗快速,使得二氧化碳的排放量驟增,造成了溫室效應。各國政府近幾年積極推動節能減碳的政策,相關綠色產業亦蓬勃發展。在各種節能減碳的方法中,綠屋頂不但能增加城市綠地空間,吸附都市中的二氧化碳,改善都市熱島效應,還能間接降低大樓溫度,減少能源耗損,聯合國環境計畫研究也指出,當屋頂綠化覆蓋率達70﹪時,整個城市的CO2含量將減少80﹪,熱島效應將可完全消失。然而,各級政府財政資源有限,如何評選補助對象才能有效鼓勵屋頂綠化並獲最佳效果,此乃重要研究課題。 本研究結合模糊德爾菲專家問卷和AHP層級分析的研究方法,從生態城市及永續環境的理念,探討都市地區評選綠屋頂補助對象的關鍵因素和架構體系,進而對都市地區綠屋頂補助對象擬定策略並提供建議。專家意見問卷分析顯示:(1)對於都市地區綠屋頂補助對象中所需考量之最關鍵要素為建物及周邊實質環境條件及屋頂植栽之生態貢獻;(2)在都市地區綠屋頂補助對象的主要評估指標之中,以環境面之相關要素項目為最主要考量之因素,其次為經濟面之相關要素項目。 研究結果顯示都市地區綠屋頂補助如要得到最佳改善利益,其補助對象應具備以下條件:屋頂綠化保水功能、建築物降溫、淨化空氣、遊憩設施及公共設施的需求、生態跳島及生物多樣性等作用,讓當地居民瞭解政府推動生態城市的重要性及對於永續環境價值觀的認同。建議未來相關研究於指標建構上可考量更多環境影響因子,如地區的天然地質、地形、氣候環境等因素納入指標系統的構建中,以建立更完善都市型綠屋頂補助對象關鍵要素的整體評估體系。Due to rapid energy consumption and the greenhouse effect, not only the temperature of global environment increases gradually, but also it has caused climate changes and frequent natural disasters. Recently, governments in different countries began to promote policies of energy conservation and carbon reduction. Among various methods to save energy-consumption and to reduce carbon emission, the green roof program is adopted to increase the urban green space, and to absorb carbon dioxide in the urban areas. The United Nations Environment Program study pointed out that the green roof coverage of 70% will lead the CO2 content of the entire city reduced by 80%, and the heat island effect will completely disappear. In this study, by using Fuzzy Delphi and AHP expert questionnaires, the key factors of the green roof subsidy targets are identified. It is found thaboth conditions of building and surrounding physical environment, and the potential contribution to the ecology of the roof planting are the most critical elements for green roof subsidy object in the urban areas. This study concludes that the green roof subsidies in urban areas, in order to achieve the maximal public interest, subsidies program should be targeted to meet the following conditions; green roof water retention function, building cool, clean air, recreation facilities and public facilities needs, ecological island-hopping and biodiversity. Future research is suggested to consider additional environmental impact factors such as the natural geology of the area, topography, climate, and other environment factors.9324265 bytesapplication/pdfen-US綠屋頂生態城市永續發展層級分析法green roofeco-citysustainable developmentAnalytic Hierarchy Process[SDGs]SDG7[SDGs]SDG11[SDGs]SDG13[SDGs]SDG15都市地區綠屋頂補助評選準則之建立-以新北市為例Development of Evaluation Criteria for Green Roof Subsidy Program-A Case Study of New Taipei Citythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/249292/1/ntu-101-R98544019-1.pdf