2016-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/684158摘要:近年來,全球氣候變遷現象日益顯著,未來極端天氣的產生將更形頻繁,颱風及梅雨期間造成的豪雨所引致之淹水災害已成為每年臺灣地區人民生命財產損失的主要天然災害。已完成的全臺灣的第二代淹水潛勢圖資,及103年起逐年更新繪製的第三代淹水潛勢圖資,其目的為提供災前整備應變之用,以降低豪雨所引致之淹水災害。本計畫首要工作是蒐集並系統化彙整全臺灣的第二代及已完成縣市的第三代淹水潛勢圖資,整合圖資之格式,進行圖資轉換並建置圖形資料庫,並修正「水災危險度、脆弱度與風險圖製作技術手冊」,以加值繪製水災潛勢風險地圖,以強化洪災研判分析能量。此外,本計畫將研發水災潛勢風險圖資應用服務系統,平時可讓使用者更有效率應用圖資,以各類條件進行交互查詢及相關圖資產出,且為因應颱洪期間防災應變之需求,此系統平台擬介接中央氣象局的雨量觀測及預報資料進行動態分析,並隨降雨範圍之轉移,加值成淹水潛勢圖資及水災潛勢風險地圖,並優選出中高風險之地區,提供水災潛勢風險之更新資訊,以期提供更有效率、更實務的資訊,作為政府相關水利單位決策之依據。<br> Abstract: In Taiwan, the flooding disaster induced by the torrential rain of typhoons, heavy rainfall of May-yu season, and sudden heavy rainfall is one of the major natural disaster in Taiwan that causes the losses of people’s life and property. Recently, climate change is becoming more significant and thus the extreme weather events which lead to the flooding disasters have been increasing. To reduce the impact of flooding disasters, Water Resources Agency (WRA) has presented the updated edition (2nd edition) of inundation potential maps of Taiwan. In addition, WRA has created &quot;The handbook of flood vulnerability and hazard map process&quot;. And revise this handbook, the study will be developed the flood risk maps of Taiwan, which can provide the useful information to the authorities for making the strategic decisions of the flood disasters. However, the lack of an online service platform that combines the benefit of flood risk database, local search engine and dynamic analysis reduces the accuracy and the efficiency of flood risk assessment for the authorities. Hence, the project aims at establishing an online service platform incorporating the latest rainfall data, the historical flood risk maps and dynamic flood risk assessment in Taiwan for the authorities and the public. The outcomes of this project will enhance the flood disasters prevention and preparedness.水災風險脆弱度淹水潛勢圖Flood RiskVulnerabilityFlood Inundation Map水災風險圖資決策支援服務建置及應用(1/2)