臺灣大學: 生物產業機電工程學研究所謝志誠吳敬揚Wu, Jing-YangJing-YangWu2013-03-212018-07-102013-03-212018-07-102011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247750能源問題已成了近半個世紀以來世人普遍關注的議題之一。1973年,石油危機爆發後,許多依賴石化資源之國家經濟受到重大打擊。此一時期,Mobil公司於發展MTG(Methanol to Gasoline)技術,成功地將甲醇轉化成汽油,提供合成汽油之生產管道。爾後,在石油短缺及環保意識高漲之雙重影響下,再生能源之開發漸獲重視,其中以生物質為料源之生質乙醇更是發展之重點。 本研究利用沸石觸媒HZSM-5作為催化劑,以低濃度之乙醇溶液為料源,經催化轉換成與汽油組成相似之碳氫化合物,並探討乙醇濃度、進料速率、溫度與壓力對產率及產物分佈之影響,找出最佳之操作條件。 實驗結果發現,在最佳條件:350°C、WHSV 1 hr-1及壓力60 kg/cm2等條件下,選擇濃度72 wt%之乙醇作為料源,液態產物產率可達69.32%。為探討觸媒清理機制對於觸媒之活性與使用效率之影響,本研究進一步於乙醇濃度72 wt%、350°C、WHSV 1 hr-1及壓力5 kg/cm2條件下進行長時間之反應試驗。結果顯示,於關機前或再生前持續通入乙醇並降溫至80°C以下,再通入氦氣降至室溫之乙醇沖刷(Ethanol flush)程序,可有效將殘留在反應器內之產物清理乾淨,確實延長觸媒之壽命至少達210小時,期間之液態產物產率維持在48.88±1.66%。Energy issue has attracted worldwide attention during the past half a century. In 1973, the oil crisis erupted. Many countries suffered huge economic loss because these countries were dependent on imports of fossil fuel resources. At the same time, Mobil developed the MTG (Methanol to gasoline) process. MTG process successfully converted methanol to gasoline range hydrocarbons using a zeolite catalyst. It provided a way for synthetic fuels production. Later, under the impact of oil shortage and the raise of environmental awareness, the developments of renewable energy were gradually emphasized. Among which bioethanol from biomass was the focus of developments. In this study, we used HZSM-5 as catalyst to convert ethanol broth to gasoline range hydrocarbons, and we discussed the influences of the concentration of ethanol, feeding rate, temperature, and pressure on the yield and product distribution. The optimal conditions for the formation of liquid hydrocarbons were as follows: water content 28% (w/w), WHSV 1 hr-1, temperature 350°C and partial pressure 60 kg/cm2. Under optimal conditions, the yield of liquid hydrocarbons reached 69.32%. Furthermore, in order to examine the effects of cleaning mechanism on the activity and efficiency of catalyst, long term reaction-regeneration experiments were performed under the conditions: water content 28% (w/w), WHSV 1 hr-1, temperature 350°C and partial pressure 5 kg/cm2. The results showed that the ethanol flush program can effectively remove residual reactants left in the reactor. The ethanol flush program initiated before shutdown or regeneration. In that program, ethanol broth continuously fed and temperature was gradually reduced to 80°C, then helium was fed before the reactor was cooled to room temperature. After 210 hours reaction, the activity of catalysts was not reduced significantly. During the period of reaction, the liquid product yield remained at 48.88 ± 1.66%.1030382 bytesapplication/pdfen-US含水乙醇沸石觸媒汽油碳氫化合物再生Hydrated ethanolzeolite catalystgasolinehydrocarbonregeneration[SDGs]SDG7以HZSM-5沸石觸媒轉換含水乙醇為汽油Conversion of Hydrated Ethanol to Gasoline over HZSM-5 Catalystthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247750/1/ntu-100-R98631004-1.pdf