工學院: 工程科學及海洋工程學研究所指導教授: 李岳聯; 林輝政李忠縈Lee, Chung-YingChung-YingLee2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271370台灣因地處高溫高濕及高鹽份的環境中,腐蝕情況甚為普遍。為了抵抗金屬材料因腐蝕造成的破壞,施予金屬表面一層保護塗層為不可或缺的一環。然而塗層在腐蝕環境中同樣會遇到劣化的情形,因此如何即時偵測塗層破壞的情形也是值得重視的問題,特別是離岸型無人設施的遠端腐蝕監測技術的建立。本研究第一部分將使用ElectraWatch Coating Health Monitor(CHM)腐蝕監測儀器進行研究,並且比對利用恆電位儀所測得的交流阻抗數據,確認CHM監測腐蝕的準確性、缺陷產生之靈敏度量測、阻抗量測極限值與遠端傳輸之功能。第二部分針對CHM量測之極限結果進行改良,設計電路系統解決CHM於低頻高阻抗之量測極限,並針對電路系統量測交流阻抗之準確性、極限值量測、與腐蝕監控進行實驗。 第一部分的實驗結果發現CHM在量測交流阻抗108歐姆以下之防蝕塗層數據上與恆電位儀之數據具有一致性,但是針對塗層輕微毀損所對應之交流阻抗下降行為並無法快速測得。另一方面,在商用塗層測試實驗中發現,當防蝕塗層之交流阻抗值超過儀器量測上限108歐姆後,CHM儀器無法量測商用塗層之交流阻抗數據。且其塗層量測範圍距離電極輔助膠帶僅30毫米。遠端傳輸部分測試結果為20公尺。 第二部分的實驗結果顯示電路系統在量測防蝕塗層之交流阻抗數據之精準度上可比擬恆電位儀,且商用塗層之交流阻抗量測極限值可至1010歐姆,此部分之結果優於CHM之量測極限。在腐蝕監測實驗結果顯示電路系統可精確的量測出塗層因毀損而導致的交流阻抗值改變,精準度可比擬恆電位儀。 電路系統初步測試可解決CHM應用於離岸風機防蝕塗層監控技術上之量測極限。未來將針對簡化裝置與架設部分進行開發並優化遠端傳輸功能。Corrosion is always accompanied by disaster in Taiwan because of the high temperature, high humidity, and high salinity environment. To protect metal from corroding in this severe environment, paint coatings are commonly applied on the surface of metal to enhance its corrosion resistance. In order to monitor the health and effectiveness of the coating in the corrosive environment, ElectraWatch Coating Health Monitor (CHM) is employed in the investigation of the corrosion characteristics of coating in this paper. First of all, we compare the data between CHM and Potentiostat Gamry Ref600 to confirm the accuracy of CHM. Then, we test the sensitivity, the limit of impedance at low frequency, and remote transmission ability about CHM. Finally, we focus on the limit of impedance at low frequency and remote transmission ability to make improvements. We design a circuit board to increase the measurement range of impedance. Then, we design the experiment to test the ability of Circuit Test System about its accuracy, limit of measurement, and corrosion monitoring. From the first part of experiment, we discover the accuracy of CHM is consistency with Potentiostat, but CHM has poor ability to test the change of the impedance when the coating is little defect. Moreover, in the test of commercial coating, CHM can’t measure the impedance of the coating because the impedance exceed 108 ohms, the limit of CHM. We also test the measurement range about CHM, and we find its measurement range is apart from electrode type only 30 millimeters. Finally, we test about the remote transmission distance of CHM, and we find that the remote transmission distance of CHM is about 20 meters From the second part of experiment, we discover the accuracy of Circuit Test System is also consistency with Potentiostat. In addition, the measurement limit on testing the impedance of the Circuit Test System is higher than 1010 ohms. Finally, from the experiment of the corrosion monitoring test, we find Circuit Test System can accurately test the change of impedance when the coating begin to emerge defect. We can use Circuit Test System to solve the problem of CHM about testing limit when we need to monitor the corrosion of the coating of offshore turbines. In the future, we will develop the equipment and improve the ability of the remote transmission distance.4699632 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/8/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)腐蝕監測電化學交流阻抗Corrosion MonitorCHMElectrochemistryEIS離岸風機防蝕塗層性質監測技術之開發及應用The Development of Corrosion Monitoring Technique on the Coating of Offshore Wind Turbinesthesis10.6342/NTU201603203http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271370/1/ntu-105-R03525021-1.pdf