2019-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/670394摘要:當颱風登陸臺灣時,大多數情況下颱風結構會受到臺灣中央山脈地形的破壞而強度變弱,結構變得鬆散而組織消散。然而少數颱風個案(如2010年的凡那比颱風與2015年的蘇迪勒颱風等)經過中央山脈後,其眼牆會再重新組織而建立起近似軸對稱結構,近中心風力與降雨亦會再度增強,帶給西岸沿海地區與澎湖甚至中國大陸沿岸地區出乎意料之嚴重災情。因此本研究想經由過去過山後眼牆重建颱風個案之觀測資料分析與數值模擬,進行垂直渦度收支計算,希望重建此類特殊型颱風個案的三維風場與降水結構及其背景大氣環境場,進而提供給氣象作業預報人員的作業預報法則與即時因應措施。<br> Abstract: When typhoons made landfall on Taiwan Island, most of typhoons will reduce their intensities and their structures become disorganized, due to the rapid destruction by the steep terrain on the Central Mountain Range (CMR). However, some special typhoon cases [like Typhoon Fanapi (2010) and Soudelor (2015)] would reorganize their eyewalls and regain their axisymmetries over western Taiwan after their passage over the CMR. Theis unexpected reformation of typhoon eyewalls and reintensification of typoon intensities and precipitation would result in unprepared disasters and severe damages over the west coast of Taiwan, Penghu Island, or even the coastal proviences of mainland China. Therefore, through the observational data analyses and numerical simulations, this project is aimed to rebuild the three-dimensionally consistent wind and precipitation structures and the embedded large-scale environmental conditions of this special type of eyewall-reconstructed typhoons, to perform vorticity budget calculations, and to provide physical understanding and forecast rules to be used in real-time typhoon operations.登陸颱風眼牆重組地形效應Landfalling typhooneyewall reconstructionterrain effect颱風與伴隨劇烈天氣之分析與預報技術發展整合研究-總計畫暨子計畫:高解析TWRF模式作業系統發展以提升颱風預報(I)