楊恩誠臺灣大學:昆蟲學研究所王彥力Wang, Yeh-LiYeh-LiWang2007-11-262018-06-292007-11-262018-06-292007http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/55034多巴胺 (dopamine)、章魚涎胺 (octopamine)、血清素 (serotonin) 是昆蟲體內常見的三種生物胺,在許多的昆蟲種類中皆被證實與行為相關。生物胺與昆蟲行為間往往是交互影響的,即生物胺能夠改變昆蟲行為,而昆蟲行為亦能夠改變生物胺的含量或者分布。灰色蟑螂Nauphoeta cinerea的雄性成蟲間會發生種內打鬥行為,並具有明顯的階級關係。因此,我們藉由測定生物胺在灰色蟑螂雄蟲腦部的含量以及給藥這兩種方式,來驗證灰色蟑螂雄蟲的打鬥行為、階級狀況,以及腦部生物胺三者之間的關係。本研究中以高效液相色層分析儀搭載電化學感測器 (HPLC-ECD) 來測定灰色蟑螂雄蟲腦部的生物胺含量。雄蟲的日齡影響打鬥結果,是決定階級高低的重要因子,日齡較大的雄蟲 (羽化後70天) 往往會打贏日齡較小的雄蟲 (羽化後20天)。然而日齡較小的雄蟲腦內三種生物胺的含量皆高於或相當於日齡較大者,顯示日齡之所以能夠影響打鬥結果並不直接歸因於生物胺在腦部的含量高低。經隔離的孤獨雄蟲平時自發性的展現出優勢姿勢並不影響腦部生物胺的含量,也顯示腦部生物胺含量的改變可能受其它的行為影響。兩隻雄蟲若在遭遇打鬥後持續相處,優勢雄蟲的腦部章魚涎胺含量將在第5-11天顯著上升,多巴胺及血清素則無變化;三隻雄蟲打鬥後持續相處,則優勢雄蟲的腦部章魚涎胺亦會在大約5-11天左右上升,然而此時弱勢雄蟲的腦部章魚涎胺亦跟著上升,因此優勢、弱勢雄蟲之間的章魚涎胺含量差異較兩隻雄蟲相處時為少。10天之後,優勢雄蟲腦部章魚涎胺含量開始降低,而弱勢雄蟲在此時開始展現出優勢姿勢甚至反轉原有的階級,顯示優勢雄蟲腦部章魚涎胺的含量與階級維持可能有所關聯。本研究更進一步以微注射方法將1 ng的章魚涎胺打入弱勢雄蟲腦部,結果促使弱勢雄蟲反轉;在階級建立方面,則各濃度章魚涎胺的注射,皆不影響雄蟲剛開始遭遇打鬥的勝負。因此,本研究的結果顯示灰色蟑螂雄蟲腦部的章魚涎胺含量,並不影響階級建立,但在階級維持方面,雄蟲腦部的章魚涎胺含量較高,將對優勢雄蟲優勢地位的維持,以及弱勢雄蟲反轉階級有所助益。In insects, biogenic amines such as dopamine (DA), octopamine (OA), and serotonin (5-HT) have been identified in a wide range of species. There are sometimes potent reciprocal relationships between biogenic amines and behavior. The lobster cockroach Nauphoeta cinerea is an insect species well known for its male intraspecific agonistic behavior and hierarchy. Therefore, we tested the relationships among aggressive behavior, hierarchy, and biogenic amines by measuring biogenic amines levels and applying drugs in this cockroach species. We use high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-ECD) to measure changes in the levels of biogenic amines. Age is important in determining the rank of socially naïve males (SNMs). Older males (70 days after emergence) usually defeat younger males (20 days after emergence). However, all three biogenic amines of younger males in the brain are higher than older males. For SNMs, brain biogenic amines level was not differed by adopting aggressive posture or not. For 2 males interactions, octopamine levels of dominant males increased at 5-11 days, no change being observed in dopamine and serotonin. For 3 males interactions, octopamine level increased in both dominant and subordinate males, and the difference of octopamine level between dominant and subordinate males was less than that for 2 males interaction. After 10 days interaction, octopamine level of dominant males was decreased, and subordinate males began to display aggressive posture and rank switch occurred. Finally, brain microinjection of 1 ng octopamine enhanced ability to switch rank. However, octopamine had no effect on rank establishment. The results showed that the octopamine level in the brain of male N. cinerea may influence rank maintenance.中文摘要 英文摘要 致謝 目錄………………………………………………………………… i 圖次………………………………………………………………… iv 附錄次……………………………………………………………… v 壹 前言……………………………………………………………… 1 1.1 動物的打鬥行為……………………………………………… 1 1.1.1 優勢攻擊行為…………………………………………… 1 1.1.2 領域攻擊行為…………………………………………… 2 1.1.3 打鬥行為與群體穩定…………………………………… 2 1.2 灰色蟑螂的打鬥行為………………………………………… 4 1.3 生物胺作用機轉………………………………………………… 5 1.3.1 神經傳導物質…………………………………………… 6 1.3.2 神經調節物質…………………………………………… 6 1.3.3 神經荷爾蒙………………………………………………… 7 1.4 生物胺與打鬥行為……………………………………………… 7 1.4.1 血清素…………………………………………………… 7 1.4.2 章魚涎胺………………………………………………… 9 1.4.3 多巴胺…………………………………………………… 10 1.5 研究動機……………………………………………………… 11 貳 實驗材料與方法………………………………………………… 12 2.1 灰色蟑螂飼養…………………………………………… 12 2.2 雄蟲行為測試實驗……………………………………… 12 2.2.1 優勢姿勢行為測試………………………………… 12 2.2.2 雄蟲階級建立測試………………………………… 13 2.2.3 雄蟲階級維持測試………………………………… 14 2.3 試劑與儀器…………………………………………… 14 2.4 灰色蟑螂雄蟲腦部解剖……………………………… 15 2.5 HPLC- ECD分析………………………………………… 16 2.6 生物胺給藥實驗……………………………………… 17 2.7 統計分析………………………………………………… 17 参 結果與討論…………………………………………………… 18 3.1 雄蟲行為測試實驗……………………………………… 18 3.1.1 優勢姿勢行為測試………………………………… 18 3.1.2 雄蟲階級建立測試……………………………… 19 3.1.3 雄蟲階級維持測試………………………………… 20 3.2 HPLC- ECD分析…………………………………………… 21 3.2.1 雄蟲羽化後日齡與腦內生物胺關係……………… 21 3.2.2 雄蟲優勢姿勢與腦內生物胺關係………………… 21 3.2.3 強弱勢蟲之生物胺含量測定……………………… 22 3.3 生物胺腦部注射給藥實驗……………………………… 23 3.3.1 腦部注射章魚涎胺與雄蟲階級建立……………… 24 3.3.2 腦部注射章魚涎胺與雄蟲階級維持……………… 24 3.4 總結……………………………………………………… 25 肆 引用文獻………………………………………………………… 27 伍 圖表……………………………………………………………… 36 陸 附錄…………………………………………………………… 50en-US生物胺多巴胺章魚涎胺血清素打鬥行為階級維持biogenic aminesdopamineoctopamineserotoninagonistic behaviorrank maintenance生物胺與灰色蟑螂之階級Biogenic amines and aggressive behavior in the lobster cockroach Nauphoeta cinereathesis