謝尚賢2006-07-252018-07-092006-07-252018-07-092004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/2872本計畫結合電腦輔助教學、教育科技、教育心理、工程力學、工 程數學、電腦輔助工程之多方研究人員,針對目前大專院校工程相關 科系在教授工程力學及數學課程時,普遍存在且似乎日益嚴重之學生 學習興趣低落與教學效果不彰之問題,重新全面檢討工程力學與數學 之課程與教學,進行需求分析、整合性課程分析與設計發展、教學策 略分析設計、實驗教學、教學與學習評鑑、輔助教學軟體工具與網站 之規劃設計與建構等研究,希望能提供大專工程力學與數學之課程設 計教學一個新的思考方向,並發展出一套新的整合性工程力學與數學 教學課程與相關輔助教學軟體工具,期能大幅改善大專工程力學與數 學教學之品質與成果。 本計畫為三年期之單一大型整合型計畫,在總計畫下分成三個子 計畫來執行,子計畫一主要負責工程力學核心課程之整合規劃、設計 與發展;子計畫二主要負責工程數學與工程力學之課程整合與力學數 值實驗教材之設計與發展;子計畫三主要負責輔助力學教學之相關軟 體工具與網站之規劃設計與發展;而總計畫則主要負責行政協調與研 究成果之整合,尤其在實驗教學之實施與教學與學習成效之評鑑方 面,及完成整合性工程力學與數學教學課程之規劃、設計與發展,並 推廣本研究成果與經驗至其它大專院校教育環境。 本報告除了先說明本研究之研究背景與目的、整體分工合作架構 與人力運用、研究方法與步驟、及預期成果外,主要之重點乃在說明 本研究計畫之主要成果,包括對大專院校力學與數學相關課程之教學 與學習概況與成效調查及結果討論、基礎力學與工程數學課程之單元 規劃與整合、虛擬力學實驗室之建立、輔助教學之互動性元件的設計 與評估與教學資源共享網站的規劃設計及建構成果。The lack of motivation and interests for students in learning Engineering Mechanics and Engineering Mathematics related courses has become a common and increasingly serious problem in college Engineering education. The consequences are the decreasing learning quality of students and increasing frustration of teachers in these fundamental Engineering courses. To address this issue, this research work integrates three sub-projects and gathers researchers in fields of Computer-aided Instruction, Educational Technology, Educational Psychology, Engineering Mechanics, Engineering Mathematics, and Computer-aided Engineering to design and develop an integrated Engineering Mechanics and Mathematics curriculum for improving the quality of teaching and learning courses of Engineering Mechanics and Mathematics. The current situations and issues in course design and teaching of Engineering Mechanics and Mathematics, both domestically and internationally, are reviewed and investigated first. The learning models of modern students are also studied. After the Engineering Mechanics and Mathematics courses are decomposed into course units and their relationships and dependencies are analyzed, they are reorganized into a new curriculum of integrated courses. Furthermore, software tools and a website for assisting teaching and learning are developed as resources for the curriculum. The feasibility and effectiveness of the developed interactive computer-aided instruction tools are evaluated. It is hoped that the results of this work will significantly help the teaching and student learning in college Engineering Mechanics and Mathematics courses. After introducing the background, objectives, teamwork structure, and methodologies of this work, this report presents the major results of this research work. These major results are in the following areas: the survey and analysis on current teaching and learning issues for college-level Engineering Mechanics and Engineering Mathematics, analysis on relationship between Engineering Mechanics core course units and Engineering Mathematics, development of digital virtual laboratories for Engineering Mechanics experiments, and development of interactive Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) software tools and a CAI resource sharing website. Finally, conclusions obtained from this research are drawn.application/pdf5013134 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學土木工程學系暨研究所─整合性工程力學與數學教學課程之規劃、設計與發展(3/3)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/2872/1/922516S002008.pdf