國?臺灣大學日本語文學系Department of Japanese Language and Literature, National Taiwan University林慧君2017-09-112018-05-292017-09-112018-05-292008-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/282789本論文透過認知語意學的觀點探討中日兩語造詞能力甚強之「同形」漢字詞素「~風」,其做?複合詞後項詞素之異同。首先藉由schema理論分析抽出中日兩語「~風」具有相同之schema〈空氣的流動〉,爾後再抽出最上位schema〈流動〉。並對於「~風」的多義用法之衍生結構做有系統的論述。藉由考察分析,了解到:中日「同形」漢字詞素「~風」,以prototype(典型)?中心具有相同語意用法之外,從prototype向兩邊外圍的語意擴張上呈現出差異。而此差異之產生,是由於漢字詞素「~風」的Prototype事例「kaze」包含兩個語意屬性〈流動而擴散〉以及〈流動而充滿〉,其所形成之因果性的鄰接關係,在中日兩國語言上呈現差異所致。而此-差異也反映出中日「同形」漢字詞素「~風」所擴張之接尾語詞用法的不同。此外,亦觀察到從「~風」其基本語意「kaze」含有之〈快速〉的語意屬性所發展出的隱喻(metaphor)表現,在中日兩國語言上亦有所差異。Through the viewpoint of cognitive semantics, the dissertation discusses the differences of meanings and usages when the same-pattern Kango morpheme “~FU,”which is powerful in formatting words in Chinese and Japanese, plays as the rear morpheme of compound words. First of all, via the theoretical analysis of schema, we analyze that the words “~FU” in Chinese and Japanese with the same schema〈 Fluidity of Air〉 . Then, we draw out the highest schema〈 Fluidity〉 . From investigation and analysis, we can understand: in Chinese and Japanese, the same-pattern Kango morpheme “~FU” has alike meanings and usages centered on the prototype. In addition, it displays different usages on the semantic extension from the prototype to the periphery. Moreover, the prototype case “kaza” of Kango morpheme “~FU” contains two semantic attributes: “fluid and diffuse” and “fluid and full.”The discrepancy arises because of the contiguity of cause and effect of these two semantic attributes are different in Sino-Japanese languages, and these differences also show the dissimilar usages of the suffix expanded by the same-pattern Kango morpheme “~FU.”1134254 bytesapplication/pdf風之語意用法漢字詞素造詞認知語意學風?意味用法字音形態素造語認知意味論The meaning of “~FU”Kanji morphemeWord-formationCognitive semantics中日「同形」漢字詞素「~風」之語意-透過認知語意學之對照分析- = 日本語・中国語の同形字音形態素「~風」の意味-認知意味論による対照分析-The Meaning of Same-pattern Kango Morpheme「~FU」 in Sino-Japanese Languages ─The Contrastive Analysis by Cognitive Semantics─journal article10.6183/ntujp.2008.16.109http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/282789/1/0016_200812_6.pdf