國立臺灣大學哲學系Department of Philosophy , National Taiwan University陳榮華2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292006-031015-8995http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281891高達美在《真理與方法》指出,他的詮釋學是由光的形上學所指導,則他的真理概念也應在光的形上學的指導下。於是,本文嘗試由光的形上學說明高達美的真理概念。 本文首先指出,高達美光的形上學中所說的光是指語詞之光。語詞的存有不是「在」(presence),而是照亮(illumination),由語詞之光照亮出來的,是一個事件,因此,真理是指一個被語詞之光照亮出來的事件(event)。於是,根據語詞之光的性格,便可以說明高達美詮釋學的真理概念。本文嘗試從以下三個方向討論高達美的真理概念:1.從光的本性論真理概念,2.從光的來源論真理概念,3.從光照耀的方向論真理概念。 在結論中,我將高達美的真理概念與傳統哲學真理理論的符應論和融貫論作一簡單比較,指出高達美真理概念的優先性。In Wharheit und Methode, Gadamer claims that his hermeneutical inquiry is guided by the metaphysics of light. It is therefore reasonable to suggest that this kind of metaphysics also guides his concept of truth. This essay is an attempt to elucidate the Gadamerian concept of truth in terms of his metaphysics of light. I first point out that the light in the metaphysics of light is the light of word. Since the nature of light is to illuminate, the Being of word is illumination rather than presence. Moreover, as whatever is illuminated is an event, the meaning of truth is not the correspondence of proposition to fact, but an event illuminated by the light of word. I then continue to suggest that analysis of the light of word can reveal a full view of the Gadamerian concept of truth. This concept of truth is approached in terms of the nature of light, the source of light, and the direction of light. Finally, I briefly indicate the priority of the Gadamerian concept of truth to the traditional concept of truth as correspondence and coherence.18929008 bytesapplication/pdf形上學真理高達美MetaphysicsTruthGadamer高達美光的形上學與真理概念The Metaphysics of Light and the Concept of Truth in Gadamer's Philosophyjournal article10.6276/NTUPR.2006.03.(31).01http://dx.doi.org/10.6276/NTUPR.2006.03.(31).01http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/281891/1/0031_200603_1.pdf