National Taiwan University Graduate Institute of Food Science and TechnologyLii, Cheng-YiCheng-YiLiiChen, Chun-HsienChun-HsienChenYeh, An-IAn-IYehLai, Vivian M.F.Vivian M.F.Lai2006-11-142018-06-292006-11-142018-06-291999 changes in intrinsic viscosity h during ultrasonic degradation of agarose, k- and i-carrageenans in water were investigated. Based on the concept that the random scission of glycosidic linkage basically obeys first-order kinetics, the degradation rate (k) for each short-term ultrasonication process could be obtained. The resultant k values for 0.5 wt% polysaccharide systems appeared to decrease quite linearly with reduced h ; in contrast to those for 1.5 wt% systems. Both k value and its h -dependence of diluted and concentrated systems were in the order of agarose . k-carr . i-carr; depending on the concentration of polysaccharides.application/pdf96729 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TWAgaroseCarrageenansUltrasonic degradationKineticsPreliminary study on the degradation kinetics of agarose and carrageenans by ultrasoundother