2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714856The department was formerly known as the "Horticultural Lecture" of Agriculture division in Taihoku Imperial University funded in 1929, renamed the Department of Horticulture of National Taiwan University in 1945, and the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture in 2011. The Department has been the most comprehensive horticultural research and teaching institute in Taiwan, highly respected for her distinguished academic accomplishments, diversity of courses offered, and her elite community of faculty and students. The teaching goal of the Department is to “nurture personnel equipped with both professional knowledge and social skill, and being capable of solving problems related to horticultural science, which would engage in horticultural science research, education, promotion, and industry management.” The research programs properly merge both traditional methodology and biological technology, for the improvement of variety, production, and management in horticulture crops, in order to commit a better living environment. The Department administrates four buildings on campus, Horticultural Science Hall (Building Four), Floriculture Hall, Horticultural Crops Processing Building, and Landscape Horticulture Hall, one transgenic lab and greenhouse, and one greenhouse annex. Major teaching and research laboratories cover various specialized fields, including horticultural crop physiology, genetics, breeding, electron microscopy, tissue culture, molecular biology, isotope technique, postharvest physiology, processing, and landscape horticulture.本系前身為「台北帝國大學」農學部之「園藝學教室」,民國34年改制後成立園藝學系。經過70餘年之經營改善,目前已成為我國師資最充實,設備最完善,課程最豐富,教學最新穎之園藝科學教育單位。 本系教學目標在於培育從事園藝科學研究、教學與推廣,以及園藝事業經營之高級人才;研究方向兼顧傳統技術與新興生物技術,開發改良園藝作物之品種、生產、管理與利用,以提升全民生活之水準與品質。此外,為配合農業整體發展趨勢,本系並積極參與本校農學院籌設之有關課程學程及研究群,以因應國家永續發展之需要。Horticulture and Landscape ArchitectureAcademic Institute