2012-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/697869摘要:木材是生物性的有機高分子材&#63934;,很容&#63968;受木材腐朽菌危害而&#64009;解。相思樹(Acacia confusa Merr.)廣泛分布於臺灣低海拔山地與丘&#63833;地,為天然耐腐朽材,先前之研究結果只知其抽出物具有&#63868;好的抗氧化活性,但是相思樹之耐腐朽機制尚未釐清。因此,本研究計畫之主要目的為瞭解抽出物保護相思樹木材之機制,將以耐腐朽活性導向篩選抽出物,再進一步分&#63978;與純化活性化合物,分&#63978;過程中除&#63930;依照耐腐朽活性導向篩選外,並配合總酚&#63952;與總黃酮含&#63870;測定、還原&#63882;、&#63754;屬螯合、清除DPPH自由基、清除過氧化氫及清除氫氧自由基等試驗,以瞭解相思樹之耐腐朽能&#63882;與抗氧化活性之相關性;最後,將探討活性成分對腐朽菌分&#63848;物(草酸鹽&#63952;、亞鐵&#63978;子及氫氧自由基等芬頓反應因子)之影響,並&#63965;用蛋白質體學分析方法(Proteomics analysis)探討活性成分對木材腐朽菌蛋白質表現&#63870;之影響。此研究計畫之結果,將有助於深入瞭解木材之天然耐腐朽性,以及釐清天然抗氧化劑保護木材之機制,進而改善傳統含有重&#63754;屬及高毒性成分之防腐劑的配方,研發新一代對環境友善之防腐劑。<br> Abstract: Wood, a polymeric bio-material, is readily degraded by wood-decay fungi. Acacia confusa Merr. is well-known of its highly decay resistance and widely distributed on the hills and lowlands of Taiwan. Results obtained from previous studies revealed that extracts of wood from A. confusa have excellent antioxidant activities, however, decay-resistant mechanism of A. confusa remains unclear. Hence, the objective of this project is to understand the protection mechanism of extracts in wood of A. confusa. Decay-resistant activity-guided fractionation procedure will be used to isolate and purify the compounds. In addition, to clarify the correlation between the decay-resistant capability and antioxidant activities of A. confusa, various methods will be also carried out, including total phenolic and total flavonoid contents, reducing power, metal chelating, DPPH free radical scavenging, hydrogen peroxide scavenging, and hydroxyl radical scavenging assay. Besides, we will investigate the effects of active compounds on fungal secretions such as oxalate, ferrous ion, hydroxyl radical, etc., which are the factors involved in the modulation of the Fenton reaction. Moreover, we will also explore the effects of active compounds on protein expression of wood-decay fungi by proteomics analysis. The results of this study will be helpful to understand the natural decay-resistance of wood and the protection mechanism of antioxidants in wood. Furthermore, it is likely that the result obtained could be applied to improve the ingredients of traditional preservatives which contain heavy metals and highly toxic chemicals and to develop a new generation of environmentally benign preservatives.相思樹抗氧化活性耐腐朽能&#63882抽出物蛋白質體學木材腐朽菌Acacia confusaantioxidant activitydecay-resistant capabilityextractproteomicswood-decay fungi相思樹木材天然耐腐朽機制之探討