2011-02-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/691329摘要:國際水協會(International Water Association, IWA ),為目前世界最大的水領域協會,於1999年由原國際水質學會(International Association on Water Quality, IAWQ)及國際自來水學會(International Water Supply Association, IWSA)合併成立,至目前為止,共有100個以上的國家及地區加入成為National Members。IWA每兩年召開一次世界水會議(World Water Cogress),為國際水專業學術之旗艦型會議,並成立國際水協會亞太地區分會(IWA-ASPIRE , Aisa Pacific Regional Group),從2005年開始由新加坡舉辦第一屆IWA-ASPIRE會議,我國於2009年曾主辦第三屆IWA-ASPIRE會議,IWA會長David Garman與執行長Paul Reiter在2010蒙特婁IWA理事會年會均提到第三屆ASPIRE在台北辦得非常成功,是雙年會以外,規模最大的一次。IWA出版好幾種國際學術期刊,其中Water Research為水領域排行第一者,因此積極參與IWA學術領導圈,對我國提昇在IWA之國際影響力極為重要。本計畫將以積極爭取主辦AP-YWP及IWA World Congress等國際水專業學術旗艦型會議為主要目標,以推動我國水領域學術貢獻之全球化。<br> Abstract: International Water Association (IWA) is the largest water association in the globe. It has its roots in International Association on Water Quality (IAWQ) and International Water Supply Association (IWSA), which later merged to form IWA in 1999. IWA comprises leading water professionals and currently there are 10000 individual members with national committees in more than 100 countries. IWA organizes various events to cover all facets of the water cycle. IWA’s main biennial event World Water Congress and Exhibition especially is a world high-file leading event where the entire water community congregates, explore state of the art, and plan for future activities. In addition, in 2005 an Asia Pacific Regional Group (IWA-ASPIRE) was further established and having the first meeting in Singapore. We were actively involved and organized the 3rd IWA-ASPIRE Conference and Exhibition 2009 in Taipei. This event was extremely successful and even later being recognized by IWA President David Garman and Executive Director Paul Reiter as the biggest conference and exhibition (only second to World Water Congress) IWA ever held. IWA publishes various leading research journals; Water Research, especially has a long reputation being the best journal in field of water and wastewater. As a result, actively participating in IWA’s Governing Group, leading various research related programs and activities will significantly increase Taiwan’s impact on World’s water research field. This proposed project aims to organize events such as Asia Pacific Young Water Professional (AP-YWP) Conferences and The World Water Congress and Exhibition, taking the lead in the global water cycle and making Taiwan internationally visible.國際水協會世界水會議青年學者會議參與國際水協會學術領導圈計畫(1/1)