2007-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/684676摘要:本研究旨在結合營養、免疫與生物科技之整合,研發抗生素替代性之策略。一方面觀察飼糧中抗生素之添加與否,對家禽腸道菌相變化之影響,並檢測腸道之各項免疫力指標與腸道對營養分之吸收能力,尋找適當之檢測平台,以供日後檢測抗生素替代品功效之用;同時利用瘤胃微生物所分泌之細菌素與靈芝菌株所發酵 之飼料原料,開發具有潛能之抗生素替代品。<br> Abstract: The aim of this research is to study a strategy based on the integration of nutrition,immunity and biotechnology for developing the substitutes of dietary antibiotics.Changes in enteric normal flora will be observed in the condition within or withoutdietary antibiotics. In addition, various indices for estimating enteric immunity and theabsorbability of intestines to nutrients will be also checked to establish suitablemonitoring platforms for testing the function of the substitutes. On the other hand, thebacteriocin secreted by rumen bacteria and feed stocks fermented by Ganodermalucidum will be screened to dig out potential substitutes.抗生素免疫靈芝菌細菌素AntibioticImmunityGanoderma lucidumBacteriocin家禽育種、生產技術與品質改進-營養、免疫與生物科技整合研發抗生素替代性之策略