生命科學院: 漁業科學研究所指導教授: 廖文亮林義峰Lin, Yi-FonYi-FonLin2017-03-062018-07-062017-03-062018-07-062016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276859本研究主要探討在飼料中添加不同種類與不同濃度之類胡蘿蔔(Carotenoid)對馬拉威湖產慈鯛非洲王子(Labidochromis caeruleus)和雪中紅(Metriaclima estherae var. Red)的呈色之影響,評估魚體色素蓄積特性並找出提升體色之最適色素添加量。所有實驗魚隻先以不含類胡蘿蔔素之飼料餵養40天進行褪色,之後以玉米黃素(Zeaxanthin, 以下簡稱Z)和蝦紅素(Astaxanthin, 以下簡稱A)添加魚飼料中進行40天投餵增豔實驗,依照添加之色素濃度與種類分為九組:0(control)、A12.5、A25、A37.5、A50、Z12.5、Z25、Z37.5、Z50(mg/kg diet)。在色素飼料投餵前、投餵20天與40天時分別測定成長與體色表現之色差值。投餵實驗結束後分析魚皮類胡蘿蔔素含量與組成色素評估。 本實驗結果指出在非洲王子與雪中紅的飼料中添加類胡蘿蔔素對成長及飼料效率沒有影響。飼養40天後的呈色結果顯示,飼料中添加蝦紅素與玉米黃素的組別與對造組間存在色彩差異,但色彩差異值△E普遍未達6.0,即人眼可辨識之基準。魚體體表組織分析類胡蘿蔔素含量的結果,非洲王子以對照組最低,平均為4.36mg/100g,添加類胡蘿蔔素組別的魚皮總類胡蘿蔔素量隨飼料中類胡蘿蔔素濃度增加而上升; 雪中紅對照組與實驗組間則無明顯差異,平均在5.51~8.86mg/100g間。類胡蘿蔔素含量的飽和點與色差值結果有差異,蝦紅素影響非洲王子與雪中紅的呈色能力較玉米黃素大,且進入兩種魚體內都會轉換代謝為黃色性類胡蘿蔔素蓄積。依據魚皮類胡蘿蔔素蓄積與魚體色色差值表現,我們建議非洲王子飼料添加類胡蘿蔔素的濃度,蝦紅素為25~37.5mg/kg diet,玉米黃素為12.5~25mg/kg diet; 雪中紅飼料添加類胡蘿蔔色的濃度,蝦紅素為12.5mg/kg diet,玉米黃素為12~50mg/kg diet。This study focused on the different kinds and concentrations of carotenoid in diet, for effects of pigmentaion of two kinds of Lake Malawi cichlids, Labidochromis caeruleus and Metriaclima estherae, assessment of pigment metabolism, and raise fish pigmentaion in the suitable amount. Experimental feeds are supplemented with two kinds of different carotenoid: zeaxanthin (hereinafter referred to as Z), astaxanthin (hereinafter referred to as A). The experiment period was total 40 days. In the pigmentaion experiments , two kind of fish were divided into nine groups respectively: control, A12.5, A25, A37.5, A50, Z12.5, Z25, Z37.5, and Z50 (mg/kg diet). Fish skin were tested with tristimulus colorimeter, and further quantified for integument pigment. The experimental results indicate that the carotenoids have no effects on growth and feed efficiency, but improve pigmentation in L. caeruleus and M. estherae. In the pigmentaion experiments, the color difference values (∆E) varied from diets contained carotenoids to control, and are below 6.0 generally. The content of carotenoids in integument of L. caeruleus vary from 4.36-8.86mg/100 g and have the lowest average on the control group . The amount of carotenoids in the skin increased with the increasing carotenoid concentration of feeds; The amount of carotenoids in the skin of M. estherae had no significant difference in average 5.51 ~ 8.86mg / 100g between experimental groups and control group. The ability is more effective in astaxanthin than zeaxanthin to affect the pigmentation in this two species. It is recommended that the optimal concentration of astaxanthin is 25~37.5mg/kg diet and zeaxanthin is 12.5~25mg/kg diet for L. caeruleus ; the optimal concentration of astaxanthin is 12.5mg/kg diet and zeaxanthin is 12.5~50mg/kg diet for M. estherae.論文使用權限: 不同意授權飼料非洲王子雪中紅類胡蘿蔔素蝦紅素玉米黃素dietLabidochromis caeruleusMetriaclima estheraecarotenoidastaxanthinzeaxanthin飼料中添加不同類胡蘿蔔素對兩種不同體色馬拉威湖慈鯛增豔效果之影響Effects of dietary different carotenoids supplements on pigmentation of two kinds of Lake Malawi Cichlids (Labidochromis caeruleus and Metriaclima estherae var. Red)thesis10.6342/NTU201602317