2014-04-112024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/681539摘要:本研究執行經濟部礦物局委託對東海海域油氣資源進行了解,同時對我國未有詳細探勘之國土進行調查,所得之數據及相關資料將作為日後東海區域油氣探勘精細規劃等工作項目之參考。本研究將進行東海地區背景資料建置、近期東海地區各國探勘局勢、東海探勘之風險、東海周圍油氣盆地之石油地質與石油系統等分析工作,進行東海探勘活動的可行性評估。同時希望藉由台灣大學海研一號進行海洋地質與地區水文資料收集等油氣資源調查的先期工作,以及東海海域盆地地質架構的地球物理初步調查。 本研究之工作團隊係由成大大地資源研究中心、台灣大學海洋研究所以及台灣中油公司所組成,其中台灣大學海洋所的工作團隊負責主要的海域調查工作。本研究為三年期之調查計畫,今年(第一年)預定之調查範圍為臺灣北部海域,希望藉由船載探測儀器觀測與定點採樣資料收集,初步了解臺灣北部海域盆地之海洋地質與水文特徵,並進一步建立資料庫,冀以為將來東海海域油氣資源可能的探勘與開發調查之參考。<br> Abstract: This research project is funded by the Mineral Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs which aims to investigate the oil and gas resource potentials in the East China Sea region and to better understand the geological environment of our unexplored territory. The data collected in this study may also help for future detailed explorations. In this project, an integrated database will be constructed. The analyses of the recent oil and gas exploration activities conducted by surrounding countries, the risks of exploration in the East China Sea, and the petroleum geology of the oil and gas basins and the petroleum systems of each basin in the East China Sea will be carried out in order to assess the resource potentials of the East China Sea continental shelf area. In the meantime, marine surveys collecting marine geological, geophysical and physical oceanography data using research vessel Ocean Research I will be conducted. This project will involve 3 institutions, namely the GeoResource Research Center of the National Cheng-Kung University (NCKU), the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University (NTU), and the Taiwan CPC Corporation (CPC). NTU team will be responsible for marine investigation. This is the 1st year of the three-year project, and we will focus on the waters north of Taiwan in the southern East China Sea region. Our investigations will include shipboard measurements and sample collection at selected sites. All the data we collected will be placed into the database. Our results will help future investigations for possible resource exploration and development around the Taiping Island region.油氣資源潛能評估東海礦區海域調查Oil and gas energy resource potential evaluationEast China Sea exploration blocksmarine geophysical exploration.我國海域礦區石油與天然氣資源潛能評估 -東海(1/3)