公共衛生學院: 健康政策與管理研究所指導教授: 江東亮莊子弘Chunag, Tzu-HungTzu-HungChunag2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274365目的:公民參與有助於健康促進與提升,政治參與是公民參與其中一個重要面向。本研究以參與的概念出發,探討人民政治參與和地區死亡率相關。 方法:本研究以地區為分析單位。利用中央選舉委員會公布之總統選舉資料,包括投票率和候選人競爭程度作為政治參與的指標,再從人口統計年刊和衛生福利部統計處得鄉鎮市區人口死亡率作為健康指標。利用複迴歸,控制高等教育程度比例和綜合所得收入檢視政治參與和死亡率兩者之間關聯性。 結果:當投票率越高(β= -2.91, p=0.009),候選人得票率差距越小(β=1.51, p<0.0001),地區死亡率越低,控制高等教育程度和綜合所得收入之後,該相關依舊存在。相較於女性(β= -3.49, β=1.01),男性死亡率和政治參與相關性較大(β= -4.44, β=1.96)。高等教育程度是影響死亡率重要的因素,也是影響政治參與的因素之一。 結論:政治參與對地區健康有正向的影響,不論是投票率或者選舉激烈與否都是影響地區健康的關鍵。Objective: Civic engagement is considered important for the promotion of people’s health, and political participation is one dimension of civic engagement. This study aims to examine the association between political participation in presidential election and township mortality in Taiwan. Methods: This ecological study used township as the unit of analysis. Voter turnout and degree of candidate competition were two indicators of political participation. Data on political participation was obtained from Central Election Commission, data on population from the Taiwan-Fukien Demographic Fact Book, and data on township mortality from Ministry of Health and Welfare. There were two control variables: proportion of people receiving higher education and the amount of tax revenue. A multiple regression model was used to determine whether political participation was associated with township mortality. Result: After controlling for proportion of people receiving higher education and the amount of tax revenue. Voter turnout (β= -2.91, p=0.009) and the degree of candidate competition (β=1.51, p<0.0001) were both inversely associated with township mortality. Stratified by gender, the relation township mortality to voter turnout and degree of candidate competition are stronger in men than in women. The proportion of people receiving higher education is crucial for both political participation and township mortality. Conclusion: Political participation in presidential election is significantly associated with township mortality.649202 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/9/14論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)投票政治參與公民參與地區死亡率voter turnoutpolitical participationcivic engagementtownship mortality臺灣總統選舉參與和鄉鎮市區死亡率關係Political Participation in Presidential Election and Township Mortality in Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/274365/1/ntu-104-R02848005-1.pdf