吳明德2006-07-262018-05-302006-07-262018-05-302000-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/20402雖然我國大學圖書館已能了解 館際合作之重要性,並且已經具體推 動若干合作業務,例如,組成聯盟引 進國外資料庫、建立文獻傳遞系統或 期刊服務中心,事實上仍只是合作館 藏發展之基礎工作而已。所謂合作館 藏發展,必須是圖書館之間在館藏的 建立及管理等方面有正式的協議,圖 書館的館藏發展政策互為影響,而且 保證彼此的館藏能夠互相依賴。在經 費日益緊縮的情況下,各館的圖書資 源必然越來越少,勢必無法互補,換 句話說,館際間能互借之資料當然也 越來越少。解決之道在於以合作館藏 發展做為館際合作之目標,因此如何 建立我國大學圖書館合作館藏發展 成為當務之急。本研究之目的如下: 1. 調查我國大學圖書館合作館藏發 展之現況。 2. 探討我國大學圖書館合作採訪電 子資源所面臨之問題。 3. 探討網際網路對我國大學圖書館 合作館藏發所造成之影響。 4. 規劃我國大學圖書館合作館藏發 展運作之模式。University libraries in Taiwan understand the significance of cooperative collection development and have already promoted some cooperation programs. But, in terms of cooperative collection development, to form consortia to import foreign electronic database, to establish document delivery system, or to plan periodical article supply center are simply basic works. Libraries need to work out a formal cooperation program that their collection development policies are interdependent. If library cooperation still stays in the stage of interlibrary loan, the resources which can be shared will reduce because libraries are now facing budget shrinkage. To solve the problem, library cooperation should be established to achieve the goal of cooperative collection development. Therefore, university libraries in Taiwan need to plan a workable system in order to fulfill the intended goal. Purposes of this study are as follows: a. To survey the current situation of cooperative collection development of university libraries in Taiwan. b. To investigate the problems of cooperative acquisition of electronic resources from the aspects of university libraries in Taiwan. c. To study the impacts of internet cooperative collection development of university libraries in Taiwan. d. To plan a workable cooperative collection development system for university libraries in Taiwan.application/pdf34431 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系暨研究所大學圖書館電子資源網際網路館際合作合作館藏發展University librariesElectronic resourcesInternetLibrary CooperationCooperative collection development我國大學圖書館合作館藏發展規劃之研究reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/20402/1/892413H002017.pdf