2011-07-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/660365摘要:為強化各縣市災害防救之能力,行政院災害防救委員會著手自94至96年度推動「強化地區災害防救三年中程計畫」,各縣市的防救災能力均獲得提升,唯防救災工作非僅為中央及各縣市政府之責任,各鄉鎮市(區)才是防救災的第一線,因此在三年中程計畫完成後,行政院災害防救委員會進行「災害防救深耕五年中程計畫」之推動,採三梯次辦理的方式,利用5年的時間,使全國各縣市的災害防救工作都能夠往下深耕,扶助各鄉鎮市(區)亦能夠建立其防救災體系、提升相關人員的素質、建置防救災相關基礎資料,最後達到提升鄉鎮市(區)的防救災能力的目的,以期未來能使災害防救體系中的三個層級皆有充足之能力,並能相互配合,進而強化整體防救災能力。 新北市屬第二梯次之辦理縣市,於民國99至101年間推動深耕計畫,在99年度深耕計畫已完成工作項目包括:防救災體系檢討與分析、鄉鎮市(區)公所地區災害防救計畫的檢視與修訂方向、水災、土石流、地震等災害潛勢圖資建置、公所應變中心規劃、防救災資源及收容場所調查、完成防救災教育訓練教材編撰、兵棋推演腳本撰寫、颱風豪雨期間之分析研判與災害日誌之撰寫,並額外協助推動防災社區與建置深耕計畫成果資訊網。 100至101年之工作重點包括:修正區公所地區災害防救計畫、防災地圖建置、避難疏散路線指示看板(每年一處)、兵棋推演實施(每年各四場)與實兵演練(101年)、教育訓練之實施、防救災資源及收容場所之適用性評估、颱風豪雨期間之分析研判與災害日誌之撰寫、防災社區、防災公園之規劃與深耕計畫成果資訊網之強化。在深耕計畫執行時間除各項工作的延續之外,協力團隊也會加強與市府及公所的協調溝通,並將各項成果轉移至市府與公所,使其能夠充分利用深耕計畫所產出的成果,來提升新北市整體的防救災能力。 關鍵字:災害防救;防災地圖;疏散路線;教育訓練;兵棋推演 <br> Abstract: The Enhancement Plan for Disaster Prevention and Protection Capacity Building of New Taipei City Abstract In order to enhance the capacity of disaster prevention and protection, National Disasters Prevention and Protection Commission (NDPPC) launched 3-year plan called “Mid-term Enhancement Plan of Disaster Prevention and Protection. The capacity of cities and counties was then improved. The duty of disaster prevention and protection does not only belong to the city- and county-governments, but also the city- and township-governments that encounters disasters in the frontlines. After the 3-year plans are completed, NDPPC launches a new plan called “The 5 year, Mid-term Enhance Plan of Improving Capacity of Disaster Prevention and Protection.”The plan is conducted in 5 years, and the whole cities and counties of Taiwan are grouped to 3 batches. The main task of this plan is focused on the capacity building of disaster prevention and protection by the establishment of basic data, the educational trainings, the cooperation among the upper-, middle-, and lower-level of the system of disaster prevention and protection. The New Taipei City is in the 2nd batch, and the period of executing the plan starts from 2010 to 2013. In 2010, the tasked finished includes the followings: the analysis of weakness of the system of disaster prevention and protection, the evaluation of regional plan of disaster prevention and protection, the map drawing of the potential disaster (such as flooding, debris flow, and earthquake), the editing of material of personnel training, the layout of local emergency operation centers, the field survey of evacuee shelters and related resources, promotions of disaster-prevention communities, the scripts of war games, providing of analysis and assessment of typhoons and torrential rains, writings of disaster journals, and establishment of disaster prevention and protection information system website. The main tasks in 2011 and 2012 includes the followings: the rewritings of regional plan of disaster prevention and protection, the disaster-prevention map, the installment of sign of evacuation routes (each for 2011 and 2012), launching of war games (4 each in 2011 and 2012) and one drill (2012), the personnel training, the evaluations of evacuee shelters due to different types of disasters, promotions of disaster-prevention communities, disaster prevention park planning, providing of analysis and assessment of typhoons and torrential rains, writings of disaster journals, and enhancement of disaster prevention and protection information system website. For the incoming 2 years, the assist group will continue to communicate with related authorities and to transfer the tools and maps to them for improving the capacity of disaster prevention and protection of the city government and district offices. Keyword:disaster prevention and protection;the disaster-prevention map;evacuation route;personnel training;war game災害防救防災地圖疏散路線教育訓練兵棋推演disaster prevention and protectionthe disaster-prevention mapevacuation routepersonnel trainingwar game新北市災害防救深耕計畫(100年度第3期)