生物資源暨農學院: 園藝暨景觀學系指導教授: 林寶秀劉靖瑜Liu, Ching-YuChing-YuLiu2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277766相關研究證實立面綠化對環境具有許多效益,但是立面綠化系統在經濟上是否是可持續發展,則仍有待更多的檢視。本研究透過成本效益分析評估臺灣立面綠化系統,是否值得長期投資,並提供相關資訊作為未來立面綠化系統開發、推廣策略擬定之參考。 本研究主要以文獻資料蒐集分析法、訪談法、成本效益分析進行研究。首先以施工工法作為立面綠化產品系統分類的基準,將蒐集到的現行的立面綠化產品分為五大系統。在成本效益分析方面,蒐集現有立面綠化各項效益的實證研究,據此分別就個人、社會兩層面進行效益估算。在成本方面,估算項目包括:安裝、維護與更新成本。在個人效益方面,估算項目包括:節能、延長牆面壽命;社會效益方面,估算項目包括:空汙淨化、減碳與固碳。計算淨現值(NPV)、效益成本比(BCR)和還本期(PBP)三個指標,來評估立面綠化系統的經濟性。 研究結果顯示,目前大部分的立面綠化系統效益尚不足以回收成本,僅有直接綠化系統可產生正值,還本期為8年。以本研究結果來說,立面綠化的個人效益較大,而社會效益相對較小;此外目前立面綠化效益的實證研究尚集中在節能減碳,對於提升環境美學等效益面向尚未有廣泛而深入的研究結果可供採計,是故,在立面綠化系統高安裝與維護成下本,立面綠化在經濟上的投資效益相當低。未來為使立面綠化得以永續發展、廣泛建置,建議應針對立面綠化的其他效益進行研究加以評估其經濟效益,以擴增立面綠化的效益值,此外在政策與獎勵制度上提供減稅、補助等方式,有助於提升建置效益,針對高安裝與維護成本方面,建議未來開發新產品時,將降低建造與維護成本納入考量。Related studies have confirmed that there are many benefits of vertical greening to the environment. However, whether the vertical greening system (VGS) is under sustainable development economically is yet to be further reviewed. In this study, we evaluated the worthiness of long-term investment in VGS through Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) to provide information for reference in future green vertical systems development and promotion. This study conducted a literature review and analysis, provider interview, and CBA. First, based on the widely accepted VGS types, the existing vertical green products in Taiwan were divided into 5 systems according to their construction methods. Respect to the items evaluated in CBA, this study reviewed the studies that aimed to quantify the benefits of VGS and related CBA study for VGS. In terms of cost estimation, this calculated installation, maintenance and updating costs. The VGS benefits demonstrated by the studies were further divided into personal and social aspects. For personal aspect, the benefits terms calculated included building energy saving and wall life extension. For social aspect, the benefits terms calculated included air pollution purification, carbon reduction, and carbon sequestration. We evaluated the economy of the VGSs through three indicators: the net present value (NPV), the benefit-cost ratio (BCR), and the payback period (PBP). The study results showed that most of the 5 VGSs were not profitable. Only direct vertical greening system can produce positive profits, with a payback period of 8 years. For the 5 VGSs, the produced benefits for personal aspect were larger than that for the social aspect. Since most of the demonstrated benefits of VGS concentrated in energy saving and carbon reduction, the benefits of VGSs toward environmental aesthetics, real estate value, etc. were still rare and could not be adopted in this study. Compared to the high costs, the profits of VGS were quite low in this situation. In order to cover more comprehensive benefits of VGS and derive a more reasonable CBA value, the future studies are suggested to address other benefits of VGS. In addition, providing a tax deduction, incentive and reward might stimulate the construction willingness and increase the benefit value of VGS. Respect to the high cost of VGS, this study suggested considering how to cost down while developing a new product.3256943 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/8/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)植生牆EnergyPlus節能淨現值效益成本比還本期Living wallsEnergy SavingNet present valueBenefit-Cost RatioPayback period[SDGs]SDG9臺灣立面綠化系統之成本效益分析The cost-benefit analysis for vertical greening systems in Taiwanthesis10.6342/NTU201602563http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277766/1/ntu-105-R03628310-1.pdf