臺灣大學: 國家發展研究所陳明通呂昭輝Leu, Jau-HueiJau-HueiLeu2013-03-292018-06-282013-03-292018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254380在全球化浪潮下掌握國際分工的優勢地位,是當前各國政府施政的主流價值之一,各國無不期望能掌握資本、知識與技術迅速交換的契機,優化國家發展體質。我國近年來陸續提出多項國際化政策,希望與國際更緊密連結,提升國際競爭力;然由於國際化環境涉及經貿、勞動、移民、觀光、教育、文化、資訊等政策領域,非任何單一部會得以獨力完成,因此,行政院自民國97年起設置「行政院營造國際生活環境推動小組」(簡稱「國際小組」),由政務委員擔任召集人,相關部會副首長及學者專家擔任委員,下設五個工作分組,希望能透過跨機關政策整合平台,營造優質國際生活環境。 「任務編組」之精神在於跨越機關藩籬、吸納外部專業意見,以專案導向進行政策諮詢、研議、評估等工作。本論文以「二級機關」(部會)作為分析單位,透過相關法令規章與官方文書等資料蒐集、主政機關業務推動人員深度訪談、政策規劃執行的第一線觀察,探討各部會在投入「國際小組」運作過程可能影響其成效的因素。經由本論文之研究,發現「國際小組」各工作分組運作成效差異甚大,進一步追蹤,會議提案性質、分組開會次數、機關委員任期穩定度與出席次數等參與情形,均直接影響「國際小組」功能成效的發揮,而主政部會對於行政協調成本、業務主導性及政策支持基礎的考量,則是左右其積極投入與否的動機因素。 最後,本論文根據研究發現研提政策建議,立即可行部分包括建議「國際小組」更聚焦於核心任務、提高定期集會頻率、賦予委員議題設定權、強化決議管考機制等,必要時考慮將國際化政策職能專任化;在中長期部分則建議提升層級由副院長召集,定期檢視次級分工,並適度納入在地參與機制。而在後續研究方面,本論文建議可導入外部觀點進行政策盤點以建立完整績效評估體系、就政治面因素進行追蹤分析,並可整體評估行政院所屬任務編組運作成效,作為機動調整的參考,以因應常態變遷的政策環境需求。Governments around the world are eager to improve the national develop- ment by rapid exchange of capital, knowledge and technique. In recent years, Taiwan government has been implementing a series of policies to upgrade inter- national competitiveness. The Executive Yuan set up the Task Force for Creating an International Living Environment (CILE) since 2008, which comprises a Minister without Portfolio as chairperson, deputy ministers and experts as members, and 5 subordinate divisions. The main purpose of this task force is to integrate authorities concerned to create a better international living environment. Using “agency” as the unit of analysis, this study explores factors that influence the operational process of CILE through collecting relevant regulations and official documents, interviewing officials in the institutions, and observing the planning and implementation of policies. According to the research findings, the performances varied from subordinate divisions, and the influential factors include agenda type, frequency of meeting, stability of member’s tenure, and the attendance of members from government agencies. In addition, the angencies’ motive for participating CILE include coordination cost, predominance, and political support. Suggestions of this study are listed. In the short run, CILE should (1) focus on core missions, (2) convene meeting more frequently, (3) authorize members to set agenda, and (4) enhance supervision and evaluation mechanism. In the long run, (5) the Vice Premier shall serve as the chairperson, and CILE should (6) evaluate the performance periodically and (7) promote local participation. In the future research, this study suggests to (8) introduce external vision to evaluate comprehensive performance, (9) analyze political factors, and (10) reorganize the task-forces established by the Executive Yuan in accordance with their perfor- mances for adapting social change.2445720 bytesapplication/pdfen-US國際化政策任務編組績效評估政策整合政策執行international policytask forceperformance evaluationpolicy integrationpolicy implementation「行政院營造國際生活環境推動小組」運作成效之研究A Study on the Operational Effectiveness of the Task Force for Creating an International Living Environment of the Executive Yuanhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254380/1/ntu-100-P96341022-1.pdf