2013-01-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/698163摘要:全球化的社會經濟變遷當中,勞動市場也隨之經歷著重大變化,其中一項被關注的趨勢乃是高技術、優勢與穩定的工作與低技術、低穩定度、低薪資福利的工作形成越來越大的對比。整體社會的不平等有擴大的趨勢。儘管工作與財務狀況同時被列為影響個人主觀幸福感的七項重要因素之二,但既有研究很少關注個人主觀幸福感在勞動市場的相關變遷趨勢當中,是否亦展現了差異擴大的現象。AsiaBarometer為大型跨國調查計畫,涵蓋東亞及東南亞等十數個國家,並於2003年至2009年間已累積了數年的調查資料。本計畫將利用此筆資料來探究幾個問題:一、跨時來說,經歷產業移轉或非典型就業擴張的國家,是否展現個人主觀幸福感的差異擴大的現象?二、跨國比較,經歷產業外移的富裕國家,與其他國家相較之下,人力資本較低的劣勢群體與優勢群體之間,個人主觀幸福感是否展現較大的差異?三、缺乏技術、人力資本的劣勢群體對個人主觀幸福感的負面影響,在經歷就業不穩定化趨勢的國家當中,是否更強?<br> Abstract: Work and financial situation have been identified as two of the ‘Big Seven’ factors affecting individuals’ perceived wellbeing. During the globalization of economic development, profound changes in the labor market have been observed. The segmentation of the work force into high-skilled, more privileged, relatively stable employment on the one hand, and low-skilled, precarious employment on the other hand has become a notable trend of concern. However, although labor market arrangements have been changing rapidly in the context of global economic restructuring for the past few decades, researchers rarely pay attention to the overtime changes in the inequality of subjective well-being. Taking advantage of the repeatedly surveyed cross-sectional data drawn from AsiaBarometer survey, this project is going to investigate the trend of inequality of perceived wellbeing as well as cross-country differences. We hypothesize that the negative impact of individual disadvantage in labor market (such as low human capital) on subjective wellbeing will be stronger in countries experiencing foreign outsourcing, industrial relocation and undertaking more flexible production structure due to relatively lower income and unstable employment.全球化主觀幸福感工作滿意度工作穩定度globalizationsubjective wellbeingjob satisfactionjob stability子計畫3:全球化對個人幸福感、工資與所得不均與生育率的影響:從亞洲與台灣的切入