楊燿州臺灣大學:機械工程學研究所林俊良Lin, Chun-LiangChun-LiangLin2010-06-302018-06-282010-06-302018-06-282009U0001-2008200902045300http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/187088本研究提出一創新性電容感測器結構設計,發展出三軸向可撓性觸覺感測陣列,將應用於仿生機器人之人工皮膚,以實現機器人具有抓握物體的能力。此感測器結構的設計,除了製造程序簡易,更具有高可靠度的特性。本研究中,電容感測陣列的製造技術,是採用微機電製程及軟性電路板技術製作而成,其感測元件以聚二甲基矽氧烷 (Polydimethylsiloxane, PDMS) 與聚亞醯胺 (Polyimide, PI) 構成其主要結構材質。其中PDMS結構層型是由微機電技術之微影製程製作SU-8母模所翻模而成。並於PDMS結構層上,蒸鍍已定義圖形之金屬層,來作為電容式感測陣列當中之浮動電極。感測電極與金屬導線則利用軟性電路板技術製作完成。在每一個三軸向觸覺感測單元當中,則有四個電容感測器,能將接觸力轉換成正向力與剪力。為了能更精準偵測剪力變化,在研究中,將凸塊結構與觸覺感測器之間的支撐圓柱應用於其中。本研究針對所製作感測器單元進行三軸向的特性量測,其敏感度分別為X軸方向 1.72%/mN、Y軸方向 1.65%/mN 與Z軸方向1.1%/mN。其感測單元能有效量測力量範圍為100mN。研究中亦開發32×32電容式觸覺感測陣列之掃描電路,將其應用於所相對應的感測器陣列。In this work, we present the development of a capacitive normal and shear sensing array realized by using MEMS fabrication techniques and flexible printed circuit board (FPCB) technologies. The sensing array, which consists of two micromachined polydimethlysiloxane (PDMS) structures and a flexible FPCB, will be used as the artificial skin for robot applications. The shear sensing element, which comprises four capacitive sensing elements arranged in a 2?2-array form, can decompose the contact force into normal and shear components. Each capacitive sensing element has two sensing electrodes and a common floating electrode. The sensing electrodes as well as the metal interconnect for signal scanning are implemented on the FPCB, while the floating electrode is patterned on one of the PDMS structures. This special design can effectively reduce the complexity of device structure and thus makes the device highly manufacturable. In order to accurate detect shear force, the bump and the pillar structures of each shear sensing element are implemented. An 8?8 shear-stress sensing array been realized. Each sensing element can detect normal and shear stresses applied on its top surface. The average measured sensitivity for the normal stress (i.e., the z-direction) is 1.1%/mN, and average measured sensitivities are 1.72%/mN, 1.65%/mN in the x and y-directions, respectively. Measurement of a single sensor shows that the full-scale range of detectable force is about 100 mN. The corresponding scanning circuit are also designed and implemented.致謝 I要 IIbstract I錄 II目錄 IV目錄 VII號說明 VIII一章 緒論 1.1 前言 1.2 研究動機與目的 2.3 文獻回顧 3.3.1 壓阻式觸覺感測器 3.3.2 壓電式觸覺感測器 9.3.3 電容式觸覺感測器 11.3.4 其他類型觸覺感測器 16.4 論文架構 19二章 感測原理與元件設計 20.1 電容式感測基本原理 20.2 浮動電極電容感測機制 24.3 三軸向電容感測器結構設計與感測原理 27三章 製造方法與步驟 36.1 製程規劃 36.2 製程設計與原理 37.2.1 基材清潔 39.2.2 微影製程 39.2.3 金屬蒸鍍 41.3 感測器之製作流程 42.3.1 SU-8母模製程 42.3.2 PDMS轉印製程 46.3.3 E-beam鍍膜 50.3.4 PDMS之氧氣電漿接合 52四章 量測結果與討論 58.1 實驗平台架設 58.1.1 三軸移動平台 59.1.2 拉壓力計 60.1.3 線性規 61.1.4 電容量測儀器 62.2 32×32電容式掃描電路設計與製作 65.3 三軸向電容式感測單元效能量測與分析 68五章 結論與未來展望 74.1 結論 74.2 未來展望 76考文獻 774944454 bytesapplication/pdfen-US電容感測器觸覺感測陣列軟性電路板微機電製程浮動電極三軸向觸覺感測器CapacitiveThree-axial tactile sensorsMEMSflexible可撓性三軸向電容式觸覺感測陣列的研製A Three-Axis Flexible Tactile Sensing Array Based on Novel Capacitance Mechanismthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/187088/1/ntu-98-R96522724-1.pdf