2020-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/698512摘要:運作的考量與成效檢討是近年國際公民科學學界的研究熱點之一,本研究以社區為本的地理公民科學為對象,以目前社區計畫普遍施作,也是林務局與在地社區或原住民部落建構夥伴關係的重點之一,資源調查及社區參與山林巡護為主。以Bonn et al (2018) 提及的科學、政策及社會三個面向,進行分析。個案目前係以宜蘭縣無尾港文教促進會,所執行於野生動物保護區及其周遭地區的社區鳥類監測,與臺東縣卑南鄉的利嘉社區的山林巡守隊的林道巡護為例。也會在執行過程斟酌考量,是否有更適當的個案。採質性研究取徑,以訪談、文獻回顧、參與觀察及參與式工作坊等作為田野收集資料的方法。配合空間資訊的使用,本研究也採PPGIS做為討論與互動研究工具之一。第一年爬梳兩個個案過去到現在仍能持續運作的考量;第二年則進一步探討地理空間資訊與媒體,在社區為本的地理公民科學理的角色扮演、面臨的挑戰、及可能的因應;第三年配合其他子計畫討論與分析地理公民科學的運作架構。 <br> Abstract: Operational consideration and effectiveness reviewing both were hot topics of research for international academic community of citizen science in recent years.This study plans to target community-based geographic citizen science, use themes of resource investigation and trail patrolling, two most popular elements for community projects and partnership building between the Forestry Bureau and local and/or indigenous communities. It likes to analyze case studies based on dimensions of science, policy and society raised by Bonn et al (2018). Two main case studies will be analyzed and more will be considered while there is any suitable one in the process of research, which are bird investigation by the Wuwei-harbor cultural and educational association in Yilan and the trail patrolling by the Li-Chia community in Taitong. It would adopt the qualitative approach with methods of literature review, participant observation, interviewing, and participatory workshops. PPGIS will be an important tool to deal with geographic information in this study. It will explore considerations to support operation of two case studies in the first year. The second year the focuses will be put on geographic information and tools, their challenges and development. It will integrate materials of other sub-projects to discuss and develop an operational and reviewing framework for geographic citizen science projects in the third year.公眾參與地理資訊系統志工社區為本權益關係人社區監測培力地理空間 資訊運作與檢討架構public participation geographic information system (PPGIS)volunteercommunity-basedstakeholderempowermentgeographic spatial informationoperational and reviewing framework地理公民科學計畫施行與運作架構評析-地理公民科學與社區監測