社會科學院: 政治學研究所指導教授: 王宏文羅婷心Luo, Ting-HsinTing-HsinLuo2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273780隨著少子化與政府預算有限,全台縣市國小學校代理教師比例平均為百分之八,新北市的比例最高達將近百分之二十,每年學校與代理教師進行數次謀合,產生龐大的交易成本。因此,本研究希望瞭解雙方付出交易成本的狀況,以及什麼原因使得學校與教師產生出不同的交易成本面貌,更進一步,藉由降低雙方交易成本讓學校與老師有更多能量專心於教育的努力。本研究藉由深度訪談與田野調查蒐集資料,訪談十一所學校,有大型、中型、小型學校,有都市與偏遠學校,也訪談十位代理教師,擁有不同資格、不同年資;另外,藉由擔任一個月的代課老師,深入了解一個學校的運作方式與人際互動。研究結果發現,學校如果運作順暢、校長領導成功,將有助於大幅減低學校的交易成本;教師如果職涯工作時間增加、人脈擴張,以及專業能力增加,也將降低自身交易成本。因此,輔助學校運作順暢,協助教師減低適應不同環境時間,將能讓整體運作成本降低。Along with low birth rates and limited government budget, the average rate of substitute teachers is 8% in Taiwan and the maximum rate is approaching 20% in New Taipei City, elementary schools and substitute teachers spend on a lot of transaction costs which seeking working partners more than once a year generated. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the type, amount and the cause of transaction cost in schools and substitute teachers; moreover, understanding the condition of transaction cost would help schools and teachers lower it; as a result, they would pay more attention on education. This study used depth interview and field research. The respondents were eleven person who are important in the school, and ten substitute teachers. There are different type of schools which are a variety of scale and locations and substitute teachers who are having different experience and qualifications. The consequence showed that the smooth operations and successful leadership would lower the transaction cost in schools; on the other hand, longer qualifications, well-connections, more specialty would lower transaction cost in substitute teachers. Therefore, the government should give assistant to schools to operate smoothly, giving assistant to substitute teachers to adapt environment; as a result, overall transaction cost would be lower.3368193 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2015/3/16論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)交易成本代理教師學校聘雇教師transaction costsubstitute teachersschools cooperate with teachers一年數度國小代理教師大洗牌-以交易成本理論分析The Substitute Teachers Shuffle Around Looking for Work in Multiple a Year -From the Viewpoint of Transaction costthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273780/1/ntu-104-R01322021-1.pdf