臺灣大學: 政治學研究所王遠義; 張福建陳浤鎰Chen, Hung-YiHung-YiChen2013-03-292018-06-282013-03-292018-06-282012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254236海耶克在思想上的貢獻之一,便是基於恢復古典自由主義的理念,對抗十八到二十世紀的社會主義思潮與社會正義觀。當時的社會主義雖各有不同的社會改革方案,核心原則仍不脫離分配正義的理念(distributive justice)。根據分配正義的基本理念,每個人應根據付出多寡得到相應的報酬,而非由少數資本家壟斷資源,決定配額。因此社會資源應由政府主動控制與分配,才可能更公平的根據不同人的需求與勞動情況分配到不同人身上。然而,海耶克透過解釋個人知識侷限以及自由社會運作的原理,批判分配性的社會正義是一個虛幻且容易危害個人自由的概念。本文試圖指出,海耶克雖然極力批判分配性的社會正義,但仍不可忽略他闡述的社會理論與正義理論之間的互通,兩者可能共同構成海耶克未明言的社會正義觀。而且由於社會理論與正義理論的相互支持,使他的正義理論不能單以形式的角度看待,其中還揭示了社會道德的競合過程,並作為社會演化中的獨立道德標準,賦予行為規則實質的道德意義。本文認為,以演化而來的行為規則為基礎,通過法治原則的檢驗,在社會道德競合過程中脫穎而出,為社會成員確知的種種正義行為規則,代表著海耶克的社會正義觀。One of the contribution in F.A. Hayek’s academic research is that he bases on the notion of classic liberalism to fight the trends of socialism and its conception of social justice prevalent in the 18~20BC. According to socialists, the broadly defined conception of social justice means everyone should get what they deserve, and social resources should be precisely redistributed by a central government rather than capitalists in order to eliminate the inequality of income, properties and social classes. However, Hayek deems this concept as a mirage and that it would interfere with individual freedom by elucidating the necessary limit of human knowledge and the principle of operation about free society. This thesis intends to argue that although Hayek devotes to criticize the conception of distributive social justice, we shouldn’t neglect the connection between his social theory and theory of justice and that may unveil the hidden ideas of the broadly defined social justice in Hayek’s political philosophy. Then I would bring out that the selected rules of just conduct compatible with the rule of law could demonstrate Hayek’s conception of social justice.791175 bytesapplication/pdfen-US分配正義社會演化自發性秩序正義行為規則法治Distributive JusticeSocial EvolutionSpontaneous OrderRules of Just ConductRule of Law海耶克的社會正義觀F.A.Hayek's conception of Social Justicethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254236/1/ntu-101-R97322007-1.pdf