2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714880<p>Laboratory medicine is indispensable in modern medical science. Laboratory medicine can present scientific data to verify or rule out a certain diagnosis, guide and monitor medical treatment. And evaluate the severity and prognosis of the disease. It is also valuable in mass screening and discovering the risk factors for early detection and treatment.</p><p>The Department of Laboratory Medicine consists of the Divisions of Biochemistry, Hematology, Serology, Microbiology, Virology, Transfusion Medicine, Stat Lab, Clinical Microscopy, Clinical Cytology, Molecular Diagnosis, Electrocardiography, and Quality Management. We are establishing a molecular laboratory with the aim to applying bioinformatics on data analysis, developing flow cytometry, promoting studies on enzyme analysis of RBC diseases and the stem cell system, correlating the relationship between HLA system and disease, and promoting researches on the pathogenesis of microbial-pathogens.</p><ol><li>Clinical and molecular study of Lung cancer and tuberculosis</li><li>Clinical and molecular study of protein electrophoresis</li><li>Platelet antibody study in transfusion medicine</li><li>Study of platelet microparticle and its clinical application</li><li>Epidemiological study of common drug resistant bacterial strains of community- and hospital- acquired infection; integrated inter-hospital study of bacteria drug resistance</li><li>Effects of environmental toxins on endocrine system, especially on bone and insulin islets; Study of mutations in congenital calcium metabolic disorder</li><li>Study on genetic mutations in leukemia, especially on NPM1 mutation, for the understanding of their epidemiology and molecular basis; their applications in minimal residual disease detection</li><li>MicroRNA and leukernogenesis,Minimal residual disease detection in leukemia ,prognostic factors in leukemia</li><li>Renin-Angiotensin System Gene Polymorphism and Hypertension, CAD and Atrial Fibrillation; Angiotensin II Regulation of L-type Calcium channel in Atrial Cell</li></ol>檢驗醫學是近代醫學上重要之科學,在浩瀚的醫學領域中,檢驗醫學能提供可靠的科學客觀資料,幫助臨床醫師做出正確的判斷。檢驗醫學是實證醫學之一環,不但可用來證實或排除某種診斷,評估疾病之嚴重度及預後,瞭解疾病病理生理學及自然發展史,還可用來發現病案或篩檢出險向因素,可說是當今醫學不可或缺的一環。今日科學突飛猛進,檢驗醫學亦隨時代齒輪,日新月異。由於臨床醫師渴求更新且更進步的診斷方法,加上生物醫學資訊及科技的急遽發展,檢驗醫學也更為複雜及精緻。醫療服務項目包括:緊急檢驗、生化檢驗、血液檢驗、臨床鏡檢暨細胞學檢驗、細菌檢驗、病毒檢驗、血清免疫檢驗、分子檢驗、輸血暨移植檢驗、抽血及心電圖檢查。Laboratory Medicine-NTUH