國立臺灣大學政治學系Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University趙永茂Chao, Y.M.Y.M.Chao2017-09-082018-06-282017-09-082018-06-281999-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281693從民主國家一般地方自治發展趨勢而言,自治監督仍以立法及行政監督為主要手段;然而我國憲法增修條文規定省監督縣自治事項,卻又凍結省自治、廢除省議會,如省諮議會無準立法機構之性質,因此省對於縣(市)自然無法行使正常立法甚至行政監督機制。為落實地方自治民主化,宜再參考其他民主先進國家的發展趨勢,除了為配合國情精簡政府層級而加重中央的直接監督機制之外,仍應兼顧修訂後的憲法委予省政府對縣市行自治監督的精神,加強省或其他中間型組織(intermidiatary organization)對縣(市)自治監督之機制。此外,亦宜更完整探討縣市自治監督的適用範圍、限制與救濟途徑等問題,從而透過立法與修法的手段,使縣市的自治監督體系更為完整。本文旨在討論民國八十八年地方制度法制訂後台灣縣市政府的自治監督,以及相關爭議問題的探討,期能有助於落實對縣市自治監督。因此本文以下擬分幾部份探討此問題,第貳部份主要在探討目前地方自治團體(縣級政府)所擁有的自治權限;第參部份則討論目前對於地方自治監督的主要形式與途徑;並於第肆部份檢討對縣市自治監督的相關爭議問題與檢討,最後第伍部份則提出若干解決方法及建議。Referring to the trend of local autonomy, the legislative supervision is the most important autonomy supervision, but under the long time authoritarian ruling of KMT central government, people always misunderstand that administrative supervision is the main autonomy supervision. So that autonomy supervision bodies are use to infringe upon the related local authorities on autonomy affairs, despite of causing lots of disputing and conflicts. In order to avoid the over-use of local autonomy supervision, this paper stands for that autonomy supervision on the county (city) governments should be based on the legislative supervisions, and cuts down the administrative supervision pressure as well, especially from the central government. Due to construct a much more complete county autonomy supervision system, we need to build many more relieve system to protect county's autonomy through the ways of administrative lawsuit process, great-judges meeting and legislative-yen's legal proceedings. According to the German and French local autonomy systems, it seems needed to strengthen the regional governments' supervision power, and demand to integrate the vertical or horizontal cooperation relations among local governments. Finally, it is still necessary to open many more citizen participation and supervision channels for the county people.地方自治監督;立法監督;行政監督;縣市自治;Local autonomy supervision;Legislative supervision;Administrative supervision;County city autonomy[SDGs]SDG11臺灣縣市政府的自治監督及其檢討A Study on Local Autonomy Supervision of Taiwan Countyjournal article