2014-05-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/706097摘要:積層製造具有精密、即時及客製化等特性,因此非常適合使用在具有個體差異及需要精 密控制尺寸形狀的組織工程支架的製作。本研究擬自行設計建構多噴嘴積層製造系統,並開 發出由電腦斷層(CT)影像三維重建到製作出支架實體的軟體;在高分子原料方面,擬使用具 綠色環保訴求的新穎水性可降解聚胺酯作為材料,並評估水性加工之可能性;製作之支架可 進一步結合多分化幹細胞球體,以促進氣管組織之修復。本研究擬定三年之計畫,第一年首 先進行新型積層製造系統設計建構、並開發三維支架模型建構、切層與路徑規劃軟體,合成 水性生物可降解聚胺酯材料及評估其性質,同時進行犬隻的氣管實體掃描、長度1.5 cm 管 狀支架製作及對加工條件進行最佳化。第二年進行機台及製程之調控、開發氣管電腦斷層影 像之影像處理、分割與三維重建軟體。為確保氣管三維模型的正確性,模型將與三維掃描氣 管資料點群進行尺寸誤差分析。除此之外,透過多噴嘴積層製造系統,將多種降解速率不同 的水性聚胺酯材料製備成人工支架,後續則進行多分化幹細胞球體培養以評估其軟骨生成效 果,並進行裸鼠體內實驗,及嘗試進行大於傳統縫合修復極限長度(> 6 cm)的人工氣管支架 製造與物化特性分析。第三年進行製程之最終改良、最佳化及發展固態水支撐製程,並將大 於極限長度的人工氣管結合多分化幹細胞球體進行體外實驗,引入米格魯犬動物實驗,透過 組織學分析以評估結合環保材料及綠色製程之積層製造人工氣管支架於動物體內氣管軟骨 修復之成效。<br> Abstract: Additive manufacturing has many advantages in fabrication of tissue engineering scaffolds, including fast fabrication, high precision, and customized production. In this three-year proposed project, we plan to develop an additive manufacturing system for tissue engineering and the software that can process computed tomography (CT) images and design suitable scaffolds. We will synthesize green and eco-friendly biodegradable polyurethane (PU) as the feed, so smart water-based additive manufactured scaffolds that are insoluble in water after being made can be successfully developed. Scaffolds will be fabricated via integration through a multi-sprayer system with different biodegradable materials. The mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) aggregates will be combined with scaffolds to increase the repairing capacity. In the first year, we will design and assemble the novel additive manufacturing apparatus and develop the software for model reconstruction, slicing, and path planning of 3D scaffolds. We will synthesize the eco-biodegradable PU and optimize the physico-chemical properties for manufacturing. Shorter (1.5 cm) tubular scaffolds will be fabricated into a trachea-shape by the computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technique according to the CT scan data from the normal trachea of a dog. The processing parameters will be optimized and the mechanical properties of the tracheal scaffold will be evaluated. In the second year, process optimization of the manufacturing system will proceed. We will also develop the software for 3D model reconstruction from CT images, and analyze the dimensional error with the 3D data captured from a 3D scanner to ensure the dimensional accuracy. Besides, the multinozzle system for depositing PU with different degradation rates will be developed in order to fabricate scaffolds from multiple eco-biodegradable PU. We will evaluate the chondrogenic differentiation potential of MSC aggregates grown on the shorter tracheal scaffolds. Nude mice will be employed to evaluate the in vivo tissue formation. Moreover, longer tracheal scaffolds (~7 cm, greater than the critical size 6 cm achieved by tracheal suture technique) will be manufactured and analyzed. In the third year, a new ice (solid water) support process will be developed to build larger scaffolds and the tissue formation in 7 cm trachea scaffolds grown with MSC aggregates will be investigated. The additive manufacturing system and modules will also be further optimized before functional studies in large animals (i.e. the canine model). The repairing capacity will be evaluated, which feeds back to finalize the system design.積層製造組織工程低溫成型電腦斷層影像多噴嘴製造系統水性生物可降解聚胺酯氣管支架Additive manufacturingtissue engineeringlow-temperature depositioncomputedtomographymulti-sprayer systemwater-based biodegradable polyurethanetracheal scaffolds綠色組織工程支架積層製造系統研發(1/3)