陳健輝Chen, Gen-Huey臺灣大學:資訊工程學研究所林士傑Lin, Shih-ChiehShih-ChiehLin2010-05-182018-07-052010-05-182018-07-052008U0001-2608200801170200http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/183661隨著新世代無線網路通訊技術的快速發展,使用者能夠享受更快的資料傳輸,而各種行動平台的發展,讓使用者可以在不受時間地點的限制,利用各式的多媒體服務,這個發展的趨勢,將加速未來有線和無線網路的整合。網際網路多媒體子系統,是由3GPP(The 3rd Generation Partnership Project)所提出,為了在網際網路上提供一個獨立於連網技術的多媒體服務平台。而在所有網際網路多媒體子系統的元件中,客戶端應用程式會是影響整個網際網路多媒體子系統成功與否最重要的關鍵。因此這篇論文實作了一個跨平台的網際網路多媒體子系統客戶端應用程式,藉由這個客戶端程式,我們能夠使用各種由網際網路多媒體子系統所提供的服務,像是線上會議、即時通訊、網際網路電話等等;本篇論文的重點將會放在如何選擇一個具高移植性的函式庫,用這個函式庫做為我們客戶端應用程式的核心,減少跨平台實作所需花費的時間;以及描述如何將我們的客戶端程式從桌上型電腦(Windows XP)移植到行動平台(Windows Mobile和Nokia Symbian)上。The third generation (3G) is now enabling faster data rates and various multimedia services. At the moment we are experiencing the fast convergence of fixed and mobile worlds as the penetration of mobile devices is increasing on a yearly basis and soon we will have more than billions of mobile device users. IP Multimedia System (IMS), proposed by 3GPP, is a standard used to design an advanced service platform that can provide a wide range of mobile, multimedia applications on IP infrastructure. From all the IMS components, the User Equipment (UE) is a critical entity for the overall success in the IMS value chain. With this motivation, we have to develop a portable IMS client application on different platforms. With the application, an IMS user could use the services, such as presence, conference, instant messaging, or VoIP, which are provided by IMS. This thesis focuses on the implementation of the IMS Client using a portable library, and presents the details about porting our application from desktop to mobile platforms (Windows Mobile and Nokia Symbian).Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Challenge and Contribution 2.3 Thesis Organization 2hapter 2. Background 4.1 IP Multimedia System 4.2 Session Initiation Protocol 10.3 Session Description Protocol 15.4 Real-time Transport Protocol 18.5 Symbian OS 18hapter 3. Related Work 20.1 Open Source IMS Clients 20.2 The FOKUS Open Source IMS Core 22hapter 4. Cross Platform IMS Client Design 25.1 Cross Platform IMS Client 25.2 Modifications and Verification 33.3 Symbian-based IMS Client Implementation 46hapter 5. Conclusion 68hapter 6. Future Works 69eferences 70application/pdf1005974 bytesapplication/pdfen-US網際網路多媒體子系統客戶端跨平台連線初始化協定即時訊息網際網路電話開放網路電話抽象化函式庫開放源碼IP Multimedia SubsystemClientCross PlatformSIPInstant MessageVoIPOPALOpen Source在新世代無線網路中對網際網路多媒體子系統實作跨平台之可攜式客戶端應用程式Cross Platform Portable Client Implementation for IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) in New Generation Wireless Networksthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/183661/1/ntu-97-R95922126-1.pdf