2016-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/673041摘要:任何涉及人類研究參與者的研究,都可能為她/他們帶來風險或產生違背其利益的結果,因此在現今人類知識發展不論生醫領域或行為社科領域都確實需仰賴研究參與者來參與研究的情況下,如何設有完善保護研究參與者的機制並確實執行,將是學術永續經營與發展的重要關鍵;而研究倫理治理架構正是其運作關鍵。 本校成立研究倫理治理架構已超過5年,在上一期計畫的挹注下已漸臻完備,且已發展出具行為與社會科學特色的研究倫理審組織。為了能持續推廣執行研究的同時亦需盡保護研究參與者之責的概念,讓本校師生在執行學術研究的同時也能符合國際公認之各項倫理規範,又能使本校研究倫理治理架構符合國際水準,特提出此計畫,其研究目的如下: 1、維持本校已建置完成並通過中央目的事業主管機關查核的研究倫理治理架構能繼續運作,以多年累積之行為社科領域審查經驗,在現在之行為社科特性的倫理審查委員會基礎上,再創制具國內特色與效率的研究倫理審查方式。 2、強化本校師生、研究倫理委員會委員與研究倫理中心工作人員持續教育訓練,並推動本校研究倫理之紮根教育,視經驗修訂標準作業程序書以更臻完備,並隨現勢發展訂定或修正研究倫理治理架構之相關辦法,保障行為與社會科學研究倫理審查制度確實行。 3、依接審經驗逐步架構電子化審查系統之建置與線上教學系統之整合,以簡化審查程序並增加行政效率,降低人力成本。 4、協助維續「北區保護研究參與者聯盟行政管理中心」在處理區盟審查、教育訓練、諮詢服務等相關行政事務等任務上的功能,並擴大招攬服務對象。<br> Abstract: Any research involving human research participants may bring risks on them or produce a result which is contrary to their interests. Therefore, while the current development of knowledge in the field of bio-medical or behavioral and social sciences really relies on the research participants to participate in studies, how to protect research participants with a sound mechanism and how to run it well, will be an important key to the development and sustainable management of research in academic. All this is called research ethics governance framework. After five years of work, the validity of promoting the concept and implementation when do research principal investigators should also take the responsibility to protect research participants at the same time can be seen in National Taiwan University. In order to make research ethics governance framework more perfect in National Taiwan University and to develop a review organization with behavior and social science specificity, we plan to enhance institutional capacity, efficiency and characteristics to be in line with international standards and norms. The specific objectives of this project include: (1)to maintain the continuity of research ethics governance framework of National Taiwan University, and cumulative reviewing experience in the field of Social Behavior research ethics committee. In the long run, we hope to create an ethic review system with distinguishing feature for social/behavior sciences in Taiwan. (2) to provide continuing education to REC members and staff/students in National Taiwan University, and adjust and promote the review system. (3) to establish the online review system to simplify the review process and increase review efficiency. (4) to sustain the function such as reviewing protocols, conducting educational training courses and consultation of “the administrative center of the League of Universities in Northern Taiwan”, and help the league universities to deal with administrative affairs. We believe that making ourselves better is the best way to expand and attract more League partners under our service.研究參與者研究倫理治理架構行為與社會科學特色的研究倫理審查制度標準作業程序書北區聯盟Research Participantsthe research ethics governance frameworkthe research ethics committee with behavior and social science specificitythe SOPsthe League of Universities in Northern Taiwan for Human Research Protection Program國立臺灣大學人類研究倫理治理架構永續經營的行動研究