李惠綿2006-07-252018-05-292006-07-252018-05-292003-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/4404文學創作理論中「語言藝術」包括修辭論和聲律論。在南戲傳奇發展史中, 明代戲曲創作理論有兩個重要論題:「當行本色」論與「辭法雙美」論。明初由 於戲曲語言趨於駢儷雕琢,曲論家以語言「本色」之說力挽時弊,因而興起「當 行本色」論題。原本要以本色語言矯正駢儷之病,卻因此延伸出語言與音律孰輕 孰重之辯,引起戲曲批評史上所謂「湯沈之爭」,也發展出「辭法雙美」的創作 理論,亦即兼擅湯顯祖之「辭」與沈璟之「法」。 本計畫之目的即是要探討兩大論題的發展演變與理論內涵。筆者認為必須將 之一併觀照,探尋其關係脈絡,才能掌握明代語言藝術論的完整面;同時才能觀 照戲曲理論史與戲曲發展史的互動關係。 歷來關注「辭法雙美」理論的發展演變者相對性偏少,而試圖將明代當行本 色論與辭法雙美論並觀者尤少。因此筆者試圖開拓此論題,期能跨越湯沈之爭的 侷限,延伸至戲曲語言藝術理論的完整層面。本計畫以明代曲論、曲話、序跋、 曲品、評點等為論述材料,將以歷史的研究方法為基礎,分析不同理論家關切的 重點,同時呈現這些關切點在戲曲評史中的演變。The goal of this project is to probe the development and evolution of these two major subject matters, as well as the content of their theories. The writer believes that the two must be covered in the same breadth, in search of the lines of their interconnections, in order to have a firm grasp of a complete view of Ming Dynasty language art theories; at the same time, only through this means can the relationship between the history of traditional drama theories and the history of traditional drama development be observed. In the past, studies concerned with the development and evolution of the theory of Ci Fa Shuang Mei have been relatively few, and those attempting to examine the Ming Dynasty theory of Dang Hang Ben Se and the theory of Ci Fa Shuang Mei together have been even fewer. Therefore, in an attempt to blaze a trail on this subject matter, the writer hopes to be able to surpass the limitations of the “Tang-Shen debate” and extend the scope of study to the comprehensive level of traditional drama language art theories. This project takes the following as discussion material: Ming Dynasty traditional drama theories (Ci Lun), reviews comprising of critiques on possibly several traditional dramas (Ci Hua), prologues and epilogues (Xu Ba), critiques on a single traditional drama (Ci Pin), and running commentaries written on the upper margin of original manuscripts (Ping Dian). This study remains grounded in historical research methods and analyzes the different foci of concern of various critics, at the same time presenting the development of these points of concern in the history of traditional drama critiques.application/pdf429002 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學中國文學系暨研究所語言藝術當行本色辭法雙美湯沈之爭language artsDang Hang Ben SeCi Fa Shuang MeiTang-Shen debate明代戲曲語言藝術理論之開展演變--當行本色論與辭法雙美論The development and evolution of Ming Dynasty traditional drama language art theories – the theory of Dang Hang Ben Se and the theory of Ci Fa Shuang Meireporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/4404/1/912411H002021.pdf