社會科學院: 新聞研究所指導教授: 張錦華李映昕Lee, Ying-ShinYing-ShinLee2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275083傅柯晚期在研究主體時,提出「倫理主體」的概念,意指個人透過自我節制、自我技術等方式,支配自己的行為,進而將自己打造成倫理主體。倫理主體包括四個面向,分別是倫理實體、屈從模式、自我實踐與目的論。 本研究以「台大新聞E論壇」為例,探討E論壇記者,如何在新聞編採過程中,將自身打造成倫理主體。「台大新聞E論壇」是318反黑箱服貿運動中崛起的新媒體,記者們使用新科技報導新聞,並以嚴格的自我要求與相互督促,落實新聞專業意理。研究訪談發現,在運動現場無事可做的焦慮感,以及主流媒體報導的偏差,使E論壇記者展開了倫理主體的形塑之路。而E論壇記者在新聞現場面臨到的各種新聞案例,讓他們透過實踐來落實新聞專業意理,並且更加認同記者身分。 本研究也發現,在E論壇記者的主體化過程中,「群體」是影響主體化相當重要的因素之一。包括成員間彼此校稿、討論報導角度,乃至於讀者的回饋等,都影響了E論壇記者如何將自己打造成倫理主體。在傅柯的倫理主體概念中,並未提及群體對個人的影響,因此本研究的這項發現,也拓展了倫理主體的內涵。In his late works on subject, Michel Foucault maintains that an individual may constitute himself as an ethical subject by regulating his own behaviors with self-discipline and “technologies of the self.” Foucault’s ethical subject has four aspects, which includes ethical substance, the mode of subjectivation, practice of self and teleology. This thesis focuses on the case of the “NTU News E-Forum,” exploring how the forum reporters constitute themselves as an ethical subject. The “NTU News E-Forum” is a New Media platform during the 318 Sunflower Movement (the movement of anti-black box operation for the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement). The reporters use new technologies to do news reporting, and fulfill journalistic professional ideology with high self-discipline and mutual supervision. Through the interviews, the researcher finds that the reporters of the NTU News E-Forum are set onto the ethical subject constitution process because of the anxiety of being idle the time away on the event spots and the biased reports of the mainstream media. While facing news events, the reporters manage to fulfill the journalistic professional ideology, which also makes them identify themselves as a real journalist. The researcher also finds that among the NTU News E-Forum’s reporters, “community” plays a very important role on the process of subjectification. How the community members proofread and discuss the perspectives of each other’s reports and the readers’ feedbacks have influenced how they constitute themselves as an ethical subject. In Foucault’s account on the subject of ethics, community’s influence on individuals is not mentioned. This finding may significantly broaden Foucault’s conception of ethical subject.1333867 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2015/8/21論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)倫理主體自我技術新聞專業意理反黑箱服貿運動太陽花運動台大新聞E論壇ethical subjecttechnology of selfprofessional ideologythe movement of anti-black box operation for the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreementthe 318 Sunflower MovementNTU News E-Forum從Foucault倫理主體理論詮釋318運動期間台大新聞E論壇參與者的新聞實踐The Journalism Practice of the NTU News E-Forum during the 318 Sunflower Movement: An Interpretation Based on Michel Foucault’s Ethical Subject theorythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275083/1/ntu-104-R00342024-1.pdf