工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 張陸滿葉振國Yeh, Chen-KuoChen-KuoYeh2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/278074生產廠房工程案件的執行需投入大量的資源與成本,從可行性評估、初步規劃、基本設計、細部設計、採購發包、建造施工、運轉測試到最終的完工驗收,整個專案實際執行的時間往往長達數年,甚至十多年。但許多專案於建造施工時期所產生的問題,例如界面衝突、設計變更、可建造性等等,往往歸咎於設計規劃不良而導致延誤工期、追加預算。所以,是否能掌控每一個階段的設計品質直接會影響到整個專案的成敗。基於此現象,本論文將探討國內生產設施廠房專案當中,界面整合最多且複雜度最高的管線設計部分來進行分析與探討影響管線工程設計品質之因素。希望藉由本研究的結果能夠作為公司內部管線工程設計工具選擇時的參考,以期能達到提升管線工程設計品質的目標。 本研究是針對細部設計階段,佔建廠最重要比例的管線工程設計來著手,因其居於核心整合地位,所以正確的管線設計能夠保障整個生產廠房的設計品質並降低建造成本。因此本研究經由整理配管工作設計內容及製作的圖說文件等,提出了36個因素事項供選擇繪圖軟體時考慮及注意;同時藉專家問卷方式收集意見資料,再經可靠度分析、敘述性統計分析、單因子變異數分析及成對樣本檢定等方法,整理出受訪者在意及重視之因素事項,其中有12項為受訪者認為需先考慮的項目: (1)「與其他設計部門間的整合能力」 (2)「變更設計時修改的方便性,彈性的管線修改」 (3)「建模過程中,自行偵查錯誤的能力」 (4)「3D材料的正確性」 (5)「產生立體配管圖的正確性」 (6)「根據管線材料等級(SPEC.)來繪製3D管線」 (7)「建立管線模型所花費之時間–要短」 (8)「建立管支撐架模型所花費之時間–要短」 (9)「執行管線碰撞檢查」 (10)「各版本間互用資料」 (11)「各版本間相容問題」 (12)「內建豐富管線Catalogs(ANSI-ASME、JIS、DIN、AWWA…)」 期望所訂定的條件事項能協助找出符合經濟效益、人力需求上最理想化的設計工具,使得建廠規劃設計階段的專案執行更為順利,並兼顧最佳設計品質和降低成本。Many constructed projects have problems of interface conflict, design changes, constructability and so forth. They are caused by poor planning and resulted in schedule delay and supplementary budget. Since design quality control will heavily affect the success of the project. This study will explore piping design, which needs the most interface integration and is the most complex among projects of domestic production facilities plants. This research focused on the detail design stage, and analysis of the factors affecting quality of piping design. This research put forward 36 factors to be considered in piping design and suggestions for selecting graphic software through sorting contents of the pipe design work and engineering design drawings. Meanwhile, sorting out the factors was through expert questionnaire survey. The collected survey data were tested by descriptive statistical, analysis reliability analysis, one-way analysis of variance and paired sample test methods. And the follower 12 items were significantly identified and recommended for consideration in the selection graphic software as followed: (1)「ability to interface integration with other engineering function.」 (2)「convenience for modify the design, flexible piping design modifications.」 (3)「detected mistake on modeling automatically.」 (4)「correct in piping material take-off.」 (5)「correct in to generate piping isometric drawing. (6)「To build 3D piping model according to piping material specification.」 (7)「The period of build 3D piping model - to be short.」 (8)「The period of build 3D pipe support model - to be short.」 (9)「To execute interference check」 (10)「the interoperability of data base between the different software」 (11)「the compatibility between the different software」 (12)「set up a fertile piping Catalogs (ANSI-ASME, JIS, DIN, AWWA ...)」 The above 12 items would facilitate the selection of an economical design tool with better manpower arrangement, as well as with better design quality.3745818 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2025/8/12論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)細部設計管線工程設計變更介面整合管線設計繪圖軟體Detail DesignPiping EngineeringDesign ChangePiping Design[SDGs]SDG16繪圖軟體於工程設計使用之探討-以配管工作為例Study on Drafting Software for engineering design - A case Study of Process Piping Design Workthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/278074/1/ntu-104-P01521713-1.pdf