Department of Economics, National Taiwan University國立臺灣大學經濟學系Lin, H.L.H.L.LinChen, J.C.J.C.Chen林惠玲陳正倉2017-09-082018-06-282017-09-082018-06-282000-06 Based on the data of "The Sixth Survey on Automation Technology" which was conducted in 1991 and had a sample size of 12,594 firms, this study analyzes the adoption and diffusion of five automatic techniques among Taiwan manufacturing firms. The method of nonparametric statistics estimation was used to caculate Gini coefficients as a measure of diffusion degree. In addition, survival analysis was used to analyze the determinants of adoption and diffusion. The results show that the speed of diffusion for the five types of automation was quite rapid. The adoption of automation is influenced by the time accumulation and the probability patterns are different for the five types.本研究以民國80年第六次自動化調查的12,594家廠商為研究對象,分析臺灣製造業廠造業廠商對五種自動化技術的採用與擴散情形。本文實證實證研究的方法是利用無母數統計方法估計擴散程度的Gini係數,並利用存活分析方法分析影響廠商採用自動化機器及擴散程度的因素。實證結果顯示廠商採用自動化的機器設備相當快速(Gini係數均在三個月內),採用自動化的機率受時間累積的影響,且五種自動化採用的機率型態不同。採用擴散自動化技術AdoptionDiffusionAutomationsThe Adoption and Diffusion on Automation Technology--An Empirical Study of Taiwan's Manufacturing Firms自動化技術之採用與擴散--臺灣製造業之實證研究journal article